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Fairy Tale Wonderland攻略搬运及翻译


Fairy Tale Wonderland Game Guide童话奇境攻略
By Spiritwind00 From 搬自storm8官方论坛by Bara
Common Questions常见问题
Why doesn't Sleeping Beauty move?
Beauty is still deciding if she'll want to stay with the group and look for the Queen of Hearts together or if she wants to go off on her own to find the Queen herself. Once she makes a decision in the future, she'll start walking around and exploring your town more.
Helpful Tips and Trick有用的技巧
Collecting items quickly: Click all items to be collected, hit the "Social" button (the two thumb-dwarves with hats), then close the "Social" page. Items are placed in your inventory right away!
Stopping an action: Did you click on something you didn't mean to? Pressing the "Move/Rotate" button will cancel any actions you started.
1.Inventory Guide存货攻略
2.Character House Guide角色建筑
3.Resource Building Guide资源建筑
4.Crafting Buildings (incl. crafting items)制造建筑
5.Adventure Drops探险掉落
6. Main Goals List主线任务by nikkimommy2014
7. Farmer's Market Daily Goals超市每日任务by nikkimommy2014

IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端1楼2015-01-08 14:41回复
    1.Inventory Guide存货攻略
    Nature Drops植物掉落
    Trees - - Wood, Dryads Breath, Withered Thorn ,Spiral Wood (Goal item)
    Thorn Draped Tree - - Wood ,Withered Thorn
    Thorny Naked Tree - - Wood, Withered Thorn , Spiral Wood (Goal item)
    ** This tree summoned the most Cards, mostly paper-dropping Cards, but 1 dropped a Lode Stone. It could be coincidence.大几率召唤纸牌士兵,多数掉纸,也有掉矿石的
    Twisted Thorns- - Wood and Withered Thorn. (This item dropped NO Spiral Wood不出螺旋木)
    Oak Tree- - Wood (I chopped several and I got only wood. 只出木头)
    Cheery Tree - - Wood
    Pneuma Tree - - Wood, Dryad's Breath, Spiral Wood (goal item)
    Tripartite Tree - - Wood, Honey ,Dryad's Breath (this item dropped NO Spiral Wood不出螺旋木)
    Gilded Tree - - Wood, Spiral Wood (goal item), Dryad' Breath, Honey
    Hollow Autumn Tree - - Wood, Dryad's Breath ,Spiral Wood (goal item)
    Sunset Elm Tree - - Wood, Dryad's Breath, Spiral Wood (goal item)
    Cinnamon Tree - - Wood, very low drop rate for Spiral Wood (goal item)出螺旋木的概率低
    **Although I only got a few jars of Honey I would not be surprised to find it was a random drop from all trees, Dryad's Breath could also drop more often than what I found.每种树都有几率出蜂蜜
    Mushrooms - - Toad(on)stools, Cuppa Tea, Curious Mushrooms (Do not ask me, I have not seen any.目前没发现过) Personally I would not buy Mushrooms, you get brown ones every time you expand and the purple ones drop the same amounts as the brown ones. 我个人不会买蘑菇,因为每次扩地的时候都会得到,而且紫蘑菇和棕蘑菇掉的东西一样
    Red Cymbidium - - Tiny Flowers, Seeds (Seeds drop rarely from this permanent flower, best bet is chopping up some Purple Cosmos.出种子的几率很小,最好是砍紫波斯菊) Honey
    White Rose Bush- - White Roses, Tiny Flowers, Seeds ,Honey
    Mouldy Log - -nightshade, wood, toadstool
    Maidenhair Fern - -xp,
    Giant Fern - - 0~2 nightshade, chops for 3
    Sunset Fern - - 1 or 2 nightshade, chops for 3
    Stumpleaf - - seed, nightshade,
    Ponds and Wells - - Buckets of Water, Clay, Fairy Dust
    Small Rock - - Stone, Iron, Coal, Silver, Gold (goal item)
    Rock Outcropping - - Stone, Iron, Coal, energy , Silver, Gold (goal item)
    Mossy Rock Outcropping - - Stone, Iron, Coal, Silver, Gold (goal item)
    Animal Drops动物掉落
    Cost: 500 coins
    Collection Time: 5 minutes
    Drops: coin, goat horn,0~1goat milk
    Cost: 1,100 coin
    Collection Time: 20 minutes
    Drops: coin, egg, jewelled egg, light feather(very rare drop for me at least很小几率)
    Gilded Goat金羊
    Cost: 30 gems
    Collection Time: 30 minutes
    Drops: coin, goat horn, 2~3milk
    Blueberry Goose蓝莓鹅
    Cost: 45 gems
    Collection Time: 60 minutes
    Drops: coin, egg, light feather, jewelled egg

    IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端2楼2015-01-08 14:42
      2.Character House Guide角色房子
      Cozy Cottage红色小屋
      Cost: 500 coin
      Drops: coin
      To Build: 5 wood
      Level 1 - 5 water, 10 wood, 1 wooden beam, 10 stone (+80 coins/30 minutes)
      Level 2 - 5 cheese, 10 water, 3 wooden beam, 3 stone block (+40 coin bonus)
      Hero Home英雄家
      Limit 1
      Cost: 0 coins
      Drops: coins
      To Build: 1 slide tube*, 5 white paint, 3 enchanted beams, and 10 blocks
      *Slide takes 50 spiral wood + 50 wood. 4 hrs (?) crafting.
      Notes: don't purchase this building until you have a magic studio and have completed the goal "Shedding Trees"在解锁魔法室和完成指定任务后购买
      Hamlet's House哈姆雷特家
      Limit 1
      Cost: 0 coins
      Drops: coin, stone block (rare), brick (rare)
      To Build: 4 bricks, 3 stone blocks, 1 picket fence
      Prince Charming's House白马王子家
      Limit 1
      Cost: 500 coin
      To Build: 1 Prince Charming statue, 10 water, 30 coal, 3 enchanted blocks
      Notes: don't purchase this building until you have a magic studio解锁魔法室后购买
      Storage Cellar currently max is 70 items of each type仓库上限是70物品
      Limit 1
      Cost: free
      To Upgrade:
      Capacity of 55 - 10 stone, 10 wood
      Capacity of 60 - 15 stone, 25 wood
      Capacity of 65 - 3 brick, 2 wood, 3 wooden beam, 3 stone block
      Capacity of 70 - 6 brick, 10 wood, 6 wooden beam, 6 stone block

      IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端3楼2015-01-08 14:45
        3.Resource Buildings资源建筑
        Limit of 2 for each type每种上限2
        The Stone Without the Sword无剑之石
        Cost: free
        Drops: coins, clay, water, fairy dust
        To Upgrade:
        Level 1: 1 fairy dust
        Level 2: 1 milk
        Dwarven Mine矮人矿井
        Limit 2
        Cost: 1,800 coin
        Drops: stone, iron, coal, lodestone (rare)
        To Upgrade:
        Build - 4 beams, 10 water
        Level 1 - 20 water, 4 torch, 4 wooden beam, 10 clay - Extra bonus is 30 minutes less collection time
        Level 2 - 3 bricks, 6 wooden beams, 6 torch, 1 compass
        Lumber Mill木材厂
        Limit 2
        Cost: 2,000 coin
        Drops: wood, wooden beam (rare)
        To Build: 5 iron, 5 water, 2 bricks, 5 withered thorn
        To Upgrade:
        Level 1 - 5 stone block, 2 lodestone, 8 coal, 10 seed - Extra bonus is 15 minutes less collection time
        Level 2 - 5 brick, 10 withered thorn, 5 white paint, 10 stone block - Extra bonus is 15 minutes less collection time
        Cost: 1,100 coin
        Drops: coin
        To Build: 10 stone, 10 wood, 1 wooden beam - 80 coins / 30 minutes
        To Upgrade:
        Level 1 - 5 cheese, 10 water, 3 wooden beam, 3 stone block - 120 coins / 30 minutes + 40 coin bonus
        Farmer's Market超市
        Cost: 3,100 coin
        Collection time: 4 hours
        Drops: coin, Fruit Juice, Savory Pie (materials to upgrade), pumpkins (rare), flour (very rare)
        To Upgrade:
        Build - 5 goldie berries, 5 oats, 20 wood
        Level 1 - 3 toadstool, 2 wooden beam, 2 stone block, 5 honey - Extra bonus +160 coin
        Level 2 - 5 fruit juice, 5 savory pie, 4 wooden beam, 4 stone block - Extra bonus +160 coin
        Level 3 -
        Cost: 4,000 coin
        Drops: coin, torches (rare drop)
        To Upgrade:
        Build - 5 iron, 3 wooden beam, 5 coal, 3 stone block. 300 coin / 2 hours
        Level 1 - 5 stone blocks, 5 wooden beams, 10 water, and 1 axe (puts them up to 450 coins) and collection is 2 hours. (+150 bonus coins) 450 coins / 2 hours
        Enchanted Well魔法井
        Cost: 5,500 coin
        Drops: Water, Clay, Fairy's Blessing and Naiad's Iris.
        To Build: 2 enchanted blocks, 2 enchanted beams, 10 water, 10 seeds
        To Upgrade:
        Level 1 - 4 enchanted blocks, 20 water, 10 fairy dust, 10 clay
        Notes: don't purchase this until you have a magic studio解锁魔法室之后再买

        IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端4楼2015-01-08 14:46
          4.Crafting Buildings制造建筑
          Limit of 2 for each type每种上限2
          Cost: 1,800 coin
          To Build: 10 water, 2 brick, 2 wooden beam, 2 stone block.
          What can you craft here:
          Flour - 1 minute - 5 oats
          Biscuit - 5 minutes - 2 flour, 3 milk, 2 egg
          Cheese - 8 minutes - 5 milk
          Jam - 15 minutes - 10 goldie berries, 2 honey
          Muffin - 40 minutes - 10 fairy pumpkin, 2 flour, 5 seed
          Sandwich - 1 hour - 1 biscuit, 2 cheese, 1 jam
          Picnic Basket - 4 hours - 3 sandwich, 3 muffin, 3 cup of tea
          Magic Studio魔法室
          Cost: 2,500
          To Build: 5 nightshade, 2 enchanted ink, 2 white paint, 5 clay
          What can you craft here:
          Magic scroll - 2 hours - 4 paper scraps, 1 enchanted ink
          Dryad's Essence - 5 hours - 5 Dryad's Breath, 5 nightshade, 10 toadstools
          Waking Potion* - 8 hours - 3 magic scrolls, 10 fairy dust, 3 Dryad's Essence
          *unlocks after completing goal to make Dryad's Essence制作森林精华后解锁
          *Magic Studio, you can get it after expanding to the magician. You'll need to complete Merlin's Library and continue on with the following Goals in order to get to the Goal to expand to the magician (girl in purple dress at the top).完成莫林的图书馆及其后续任务,扩地至紫裙子女孩处,才可解锁魔法室
          Tinker's Workshop工匠铺
          Cost: 1,300
          To Build: 5 wood
          What can you craft here:
          Brick - 4 minutes - 5 clay, 2 coal
          Wooden Beam - 2 minutes - 5 wood
          Stone Block - 2 minutes - 5 stone
          Enchanted Beam - 2 hours - 3 wooden beam, 1 magic scroll, 5 dryad's breath
          Enchanted Block - 2 hours - 3 stone block, 1 magic scroll, 5 silver
          White paint - 5 minutes - 3 white rose, 5 water
          Compass - 3 hours - 3 lodestone, 1 silver
          Sturdy Axe - 1 hour - 1 wooden beam, 10 iron
          Torch - 20 minutes - 1 wooden beam, 3 coal
          Prince Charming Statue - 4 hours - 10 gold, 50 stone

          IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端5楼2015-01-08 14:47
            5.Adventure Drops探险掉落
            Adventures in Thorny Castle荆棘城堡探险
            **Do rewards vary at all?**
            Castle Grounds - 4 hours - 3 torches地面探险
            --rewards: 3 withered thorn, 1 Briar key, 8 energy, $105
            Dungeons - 1 day - 3 torches, 1 picnic basket地牢探险
            --rewards: 3 withered thorn, 1 briar key, 8 energy, coins
            Library - 1 day - 3 torches, 1 picnic basket, 10 feathers图书馆探险
            --rewards: 1 magic scroll, 4 energy, 1500 coins, 1 paper scrap
            Banquet Hall - 1 day - 3 torches, 1 picnic basket, 10 tiny flower宴会厅探险
            --rewards: 待续
            Wizard's Study - 1 day - 3 torches, 1 picnic basket男巫书房探险

            IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端6楼2015-01-08 14:48
              Secondary Goals Part1支线任务1
              #1 Prince Charming's Sidekick
              Have another goat (market- 500 coins)买一只山羊
              Pet the goat抚摸它
              70 coins, 1 xp
              #2 Horn Loss? No Problem!
              Tend the goats (2)喂2次羊
              Find some goat horns (1)收1羊角
              70 coins, 1 xp
              PRINCE CHARMING白马王子任务
              #1 Charming's 18th Birthday
              Clear 2 trees清理2树
              Clear a rock outcropping清理1指定石头
              70 coins, 1 xp
              #2 The Mysterious Cellar
              Upgrade cellar capacity to 60 (upgrade twice)升级2次仓库
              - 1st upgrade- 10 stone, 10 wood
              - 2nd upgrade- 15 stone, 25 wood
              70 coins, 1 xp
              #3 Everybody Clean Up
              Buy and place red cymbidiums (2) (market- 500 coins)买2红兰花
              Move something with edit mode移动建筑
              Store something with edit mode收起建筑
              70 coins, 1 xp
              AFTER GETTING HAMLET哈姆雷特(猪)任务
              #1 The Long March Home
              Build another cottage (market- 500 coins)建1红房子
              - Cottage- 5 wood
              Place some red cymbidiums (2)放置2红兰花
              70 coins, 1 xp
              #2 New Moon Literally
              Clear debris for a path (1)清理1障碍物
              70 coins, 1 xp
              #3 Gifts For The Princess
              Find something that smells good收1 Dryad's breath精灵气息
              Find something for her hair收1 Nightshade龙葵
              Find something that is glittery收1 Fairydust精灵粉尘
              150 coins, 1 xp
              NAMES (after #16 Attention, Attention!)起名字(在任务#16之后)
              #1 Name Your Home Base
              Pick a name for your home base在资料页起名
              Tell Hamlet your town name
              70 coins, 1 xp
              #2 Making New Friends (only appears if not already logged in with Storm8)未注册玩家任务
              Set your Storm8 ID
              Add another town as your neighbor
              70 coins, 1 xp
              #3 To Give And Receive
              Receive gift baskets (10) (ask neighbors)邻居请求
              70 coins, 1 xp
              MINE (upon reaching level 7)矿坑任务(达7级)
              #1 On A Deeper Level
              Build a dwarven mine (market- 1800 coins)建造1矮人矿
              - Dwarven mine- 4 wooden beams, 10 water
              70 coins, 1 xp
              #2 Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho
              Upgrade dwarven mine to level 3升级矮人矿至3级
              - Level 2- 20 water, 4 torches, 10 clay, 4 wooden beams
              - Level 3- 3 bricks, 6 wooden beams, 6 torch, 1 compass
              70 coins, 1 xp
              MILL (upon reaching level 8)林场任务(达8级)
              #1 Woodn't You Like To Know
              Build a lumber mill (market- 2000 coins)建1林场
              - Lumber mill- 5 iron, 5 water, 2 bricks, 5 withered thorns
              70 coins, 1 xp
              #2 Mighty Fine Wood
              Upgrade lumber mill to level 3升级林场至3级
              - Level 2- 5 stone blocks, 2 lodestones, 8 coal, 10 seeds
              - Level 3- 5 bricks, 5 white paint, 10 withered thorn, 10 stone blocks
              70 coins, 1 xp
              AFTER RANDOM COLLECTIONS一些随机动作之后
              #1 Making Money Under The Table
              Collect coins from the cottage (3)摸3次红色房子
              70 coins, 1 xp
              #2 Fairy Dust
              Gather some fairy dust (3)收3精灵粉尘
              70 coins, 1 xp
              HAMLET'S HOME (after #16 Attention, Attention!)任务#16后
              #1 Another Day, Another Workshop
              Build another tinker's workshop再建1工匠铺
              70 coins, 1 xp
              #2 Do You Not Know Who I Am?
              Gather clay (5)收集5粘土
              Craft bricks (1) (workshop- 5 clay, 2 coal, 4 mins)制作1砖
              70 coins, 1 xp
              #3 How Unique
              Craft white paint (1) (workshop- 3 white roses, 5 water, 5mins)制作1白漆
              Craft white picket fence (1) (workshop- 2 white paints, 2 wooden beams, 1 hr)制作1白栅栏
              70 coins, 1 xp
              #4 Brick By Brick
              Build Hamlet's house (market- 0 coins)建造猪人的房子
              - Hamlet's house- 4 bricks, 3 stone blocks, 1 picket fence
              70 coins, 1 xp
              FARMER'S MARKET (after Hamlet's home #2 Do You Not Know Who I Am)超市任务
              #1 Berry Ready To Go
              Buy 4 farm plots (market- 100 coins)买4耕地
              Plant the Goldie Berries (4) (5 coins, 2 mins)种4金梅
              70 coins, 1 xp
              #2 Goldilocks And The Bear-ries?
              Pick the Goldie Berries (4)收4金梅
              70 coins, 1 xp
              #3 Rolled Oats
              Have some more plots (6 total)再买2耕地(上限6)
              Plant some oats (6) (20 coins, 2 hrs)种6燕麦
              70 coins, 1 xp
              #4 A Whole New World
              Eat some Goldie berries (4)
              Eat some oats (3)
              70 coins, 1 xp
              #5 My New Home
              Build a farmer's market (market- 3100 coins)建1超市
              - Farmer's market- 5 Goldie berries, 5 oats, 20 wood
              70 coins, 1 xp
              #6 On The Market
              Visit the farmer's market (collect)
              70 coins, 1 xp
              #7 Sleeping Full
              Give some Goldie berries (6)
              Give some eggs (5)
              70 coins, 1 xp, UNLOCKS DAILY GOAL: FARMERS MARKET
              GEESE (after building farmer's market)鹅任务(建超市后)
              #1 Wild Goose Chase
              Buy a pair of geese (market- 1100 coins)买1鹅
              Find a jeweled egg (1)收1宝石蛋
              70 coins, 1 xp
              #2 Gold Eggs And Ham
              Find some eggs (?)收蛋
              70 coins, 1 xp
              KITCHEN (after #20 Slash Now, Axe Later)厨房任务
              #1 What's Cooking?
              Build a kitchen (market- 1800 coins)建1厨房
              - Kitchen- 10 water, 2 bricks, 2 wooden beams, 2 stone blocks
              70 coins, 1 xp
              #2 Flour And Water
              Make some flour (3) (kitchen- 5 oats, 1 min)制作3面粉
              Make some biscuits (2) (kitchen- 2 flour, 3 milk, 2 eggs, 5 mins)制作2松饼
              70 coins, 1 xp
              #3 Spread Makes It All Better
              Find honey (? I think 2)收2蜂蜜
              Make some cheese (1) (kitchen- 5 milk, 8 mins)制作1奶酪
              Make some jam (1) (kitchen- 10 Goldie berries, 2 honey, 15 mins)制作1果酱
              70 coins, 1 xp
              #4 Make Me A Sandwich
              Make a sandwich (1) (kitchen- 1 biscuit, 2 cheese, 1 jam, 1 hr)制作1三明治
              70 coins, 1 xp
              #5 Fairy Pumpkins
              Have 14 plots
              Plant fairy pumpkins (10) (80 coins, 8 hrs)种10魔法南瓜
              70 coins, 1 xp
              #6 Dessert After Every Meal
              Harvest fairy pumpkins (10)收10魔法南瓜
              Gather some seeds (10)收10种子
              Bake some muffins (2) (kitchen- 10 fairy pumpkins, 2 flour, 5 seeds, 40 mins)制作2杯型蛋糕
              70 coins, 1 xp
              #7 Hamlet's Past
              Drink a cup of tea with Hamlet (5) (give cups of tea)上交5杯茶
              70 coins, 1 xp

              IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端8楼2015-01-08 14:50
                Featured Goals Part2主线任务2
                After Expanding To Thorny Castle获得荆棘城堡后
                #22 Hiding In Plain Sight
                Explore The premise (adventure in castle)第一个探险
                - Explore adventure- 3 torches, 4 hours
                - Torches- (workshop- 1 wooden beam, 3 coal, 20 mins)
                70 coins, 1 xp
                #23 One Key To Open Them All
                Explore the castle探险城堡
                - Explore adventure- 3 torches, 3 biscuits, 6 water, 1 day
                70 coins, 1 xp
                #24 Up The Vine
                Climb the princess tower探险王子塔
                - Climb adventure- 3 torches, 3 sandwiches, 1000 coins, 1 day
                - Sandwiches- (kitchen- 1 biscuit, 2 cheese, 1 jam, 1 hour)
                70 coins, 1 xp
                #25 Wake Up! Wake Up!
                Splash water on her face (10)交10桶水
                Tickle her with light feathers (5)交5羽毛
                70 coins, 1 xp
                #26 Drink Me
                Use 10 paper scraps交10纸片
                Use 10 coal交10碳
                70 coins, 1 xp (UNLOCKS MULTIPLE ADVENTURES)
                #27 Merlin's Library
                Explore the library图书馆探险
                - Library adventure- 3 torches, 1 picnic basket, 10 light feathers
                - Picnic basket- (kitchen- 3 sandwiches, 3 muffins, 3 tea cups, 4 hrs)
                70 coins, 1 xp
                #28 View From The Top
                Build a watchtower (market- 4000 coins)建1瞭望塔
                Climb the watchtower
                - Watchtower- 5 iron, 5 coal, 3 wooden beams, 3 stone blocks
                70 coins, 1 xp UNLOCKS EXPANSION TO THE GIRL WITH THE WAND
                #29 Spark In The Forrest
                Expand to the magician扩地至魔法师
                - Her expansion requires- 6 axes, 4 compass, 3100 coins
                70 coins, 1 xp
                #30 Beauty In The Woods
                Give cup of tea (2)交2杯茶
                Give honey (2)交2蜂蜜
                Give biscuits (2)交2松饼
                70 coins, 1 xp
                #31 Sleeping Beauty Not So Sleepy
                Reflect at the wishing well摸许愿井
                70 coins, 1 xp UNLOCKS MAGIC STUDIO
                #32 Charming Not So Charming
                Build a magic studio (market- 2500 coins)建1魔法室
                - Magic studio- 5 nightshade, 2 enchanted ink, 2 white paint, 5 clay
                70 coins, 1 xp
                #33 Beauty's Determination
                Gather fairy dust (?)收精灵粉尘
                Craft dryads essence (1) 制作精灵精华
                - Dryads essence- (magic studio- 5 dryads breath, 5 nightshade, 10 toadstool, 5 hrs)
                70 coins, 1 xp

                IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端9楼2015-01-08 14:50
                  Secondary Goals Part2支线任务2
                  After Reaching The Thorny Castle获得荆棘城堡后
                  #1 Finding The Cards
                  Fight off the card minions (5)打败5纸牌兵
                  70 coins, 1 xp
                  #2 Roses Are...
                  Give Prince Charming some wood (10)交10木头
                  Give Prince Charming some iron (10)交10铁块
                  70 coins, 1 xp
                  After Reaching Level 10 (TIP: this series of quests seems to be given too early. They can not be completed without the magic studio which does not unlock until you expand to the girl with the wand)达到10级(这部分任务需要魔法室才能完成)
                  #1 Home Is Where The Hearth Is
                  Give paper scrap (5)交5纸片
                  Give enchanted ink (5)交5魔法墨水
                  70 coins, 1 xp
                  #2 Slide On Over
                  Craft stone block (1)制作1石块
                  Craft enchanted beam (1)制作1魔法木
                  - Enchanted beam- (workshop- 3 Woden beams, 1 magic scroll, 5 dryad's breath, 2 hrs)
                  70 coins, 1 xp
                  #3 Shedding Trees
                  Have a lot of spiral wood (50) (chop trees and check the mill)收50螺旋木(砍树出)
                  70 coins, 1 xp
                  #4 Splinter-Free Zone
                  Craft slide tube (1)制作1管道
                  - Slide tube- (workshop- 50 spiral wood, 50 wood, 4 hrs)
                  70 coins, 1 xp
                  #5 Home Sweet Home
                  Complete the Hero's home (market- 500 coins)建成英雄家
                  - Hero's home- 3 enchanted beams, 1 slide tube, 5 white paint, 10 stone blocks
                  70 coins, 1 xp
                  Prince Charming's House (After Reaching Level 11)白马王子家(达11级)
                  #1 Royal Quarters
                  Help him at the cottage (6)摸6红房子
                  Give jeweled eggs (3)交3宝石蛋
                  70 coins, 1 xp
                  #2 All Gold Everything
                  Gather gold (10)收10金块(摸矿,砍石头)
                  70 coins, 1 xp
                  #3 Strike A Pose
                  Craft Prince Charming's statue
                  - Statue- (workshop- 10 gold, 50 stone, 4 hours)制作王子雕像
                  70 coins, 1 xp
                  #4 A Princely Pad
                  Build Prince Charming's castle (market- 500 coins)建白马王子城堡
                  - Castle- 1 Prince Charming statue, 10 water, 30 coal, 3 enchanted blocks
                  70 coins, 1 xp

                  IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端10楼2015-01-08 14:51
                    Featured Goals Part 3主线任务3
                    After goal: Beauty's Determination
                    #34 Glad I'm Not Drinking That
                    Write magic scroll (1)制作1魔法卷轴
                    - Magic scroll- (magic studio- 4 paper scraps, 1 enchanted ink, 2 hrs)
                    Brew Beauty's waking potion
                    - Waking potion- (magic studio- 3 magic scrolls, 10 fairy dust, 3 dryads essence)
                    70 coins, 1 xp
                    #35 Bottoms Up
                    Climb the princess tower探险王子塔
                    - Climb adventure- 3 torches, 3 sandwiches, 1 day
                    Use the awake potion
                    70 coins, 1 xp
                    #36 You Smell Like Flowers
                    Place tiny flowers (5)交5小花
                    70 coins, 1 xp
                    #37 Fairly Normal World
                    Build an enchanted well (market- 5500 coins)建1魔法井
                    - Enchanted well- 2 enchanted blocks, 2 enchanted beams, 10 water, 10 seeds
                    Place an offering of silver (10)交10银块
                    Place an offering of honey (10)交10蜂蜜
                    Place an offering of toadstools (10)交10毒菌
                    70 coins, 1 xp
                    #38 Locked Gates Can't Keep Me
                    Check the enchanted well (1)摸1魔法井
                    70 coins, 1 xp
                    #39 Take Two Of These
                    Craft strong waking potion制作强力清醒药
                    - Strong potion- (magic studio- 3 magic scrolls, 1 fairy's blessing, 3 dryad's essence, 1 day)
                    70 coins, 1 xp
                    #40 Alice In Slumberland
                    Climb the princess tower探险
                    - Climb adventure- 3 torches, 3 sandwiches, 1 day
                    Give Alice the potion
                    70 coins, 1 xp

                    IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端11楼2015-01-08 14:52
                      MERLINS SCATTERED NOTES (starts as a secondary goal but becomes FEATURED later on)
                      Unlocks After Featured Quest Drink Me指定任务完成后解锁
                      #1 Dungeon Run
                      Explore the dungeon地牢探险
                      - Dungeon adventure- 3 torches, 1 picnic basket, 1 day
                      70 coins, 1 xp
                      #2 Feast Your Eyes
                      Explore the banquet hall宴会厅探险
                      - Banquet adventure- 3 torches, 1 picnic basket, 10 tiny flowers, 1 day
                      70 coins, 1 xp
                      #3 Right Around The Corner
                      Explore the castle grounds地面探险
                      - Grounds adventure- 3 torches, 4 hours
                      70 coins, 1 xp, Merlin's 2nd Note (not sure if this varies)
                      #4 Merlin's Scattered Notes寻找笔记碎片
                      Find Merlin's 1st note
                      Find Merlin's 2nd note
                      Find Merlin's 3rd note
                      Find Merlin's 4th note
                      Find Merlin's 5th note
                      (To find notes do adventures throughout the castle, may take multiple tries)需要探险多次
                      70 coins, 1 xp
                      Goals will continue after the next update任务待更

                      IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端12楼2015-01-08 14:53
                        7.Farmer's Market Daily Goals (24 hour time limit to complete each goal)超市每日任务(限时24h)
                        I'm guessing there is a set number of different goals that can appear in random order - can someone from TL confirm this?推测是设定好一些任务随机出现
                        Here are the goals that have been reported so far目前已出现的任务
                        20 seed
                        10 milk
                        10 egg
                        R: 1 gem, 3900 coins
                        10 Goldie berries
                        10 milk
                        10 oats
                        R: 1200 coins
                        30 Goldie berries
                        10 milk
                        5 tiny flowers
                        R: 1 gem, 2600 coins
                        25 oats
                        10 egg
                        10 water
                        R: 1 gem, 1800 coins
                        3 muffins
                        10 milk
                        3 cups of tea
                        R: 1 gem, 4300 coins
                        3 savory pies
                        15 oats
                        5 jam
                        R: 1 gem, 3700 coins
                        20 fairy pumpkins
                        5 honey
                        5 fruit juice
                        R: 1 gem, 2100 coins
                        10 fairy pumpkins
                        10 honey
                        10 seeds
                        R: 1 gem, 2500 coins
                        3 biscuits
                        3 cheese
                        10 eggs
                        R: 1 gem, 3500 coins
                        5 white roses
                        20 Goldie berries
                        4 cheese
                        R: 1 gem, 2200 coins
                        5 toadstool
                        3 muffins
                        15 milk
                        R: 1 gem, 4400 coins

                        IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端13楼2015-01-08 14:55

                          IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端14楼2015-01-08 14:57

                            IP属地:江苏来自iPhone客户端15楼2015-01-08 22:37

                              IP属地:山东16楼2015-01-09 00:01