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【20150124】【赛后线上评论】常规赛第44场 湖人VS 马刺


【赛后线上评论】常规赛第44场 湖人VS 马刺

1楼2015-01-24 13:01回复
    At Lin preseason press conference did Mitch say I hope you (Lin) finds a home here? Or did he say I hope to find you a home?
    I guess the only way to make Jeremy look bad was to take him out of the game. Mission accomplished BS! You did it. You figured out how to tank the team and Jeremy at the same time!
    Byron Scott learned the hard way that Lin is such an EXPLOSIVE PLAYER that he can easily score 7 points in less than 5 minutes like he did last game.
    Scott learned that letting Lin stroll onto the court for even minimal time results in BURSTS OF LINSANITY!!!
    He didn't make lin lok bad. He made himself look bad with the tank full on board.
    What does BS want to prove? Clearly, without Lin there, the Lakers sucks even with Kobe playing. Tonight is another example. Lakers, please trade Lin instead of sitting him please/

    2楼2015-01-24 13:01
      If Lin do not play garbage time, I guess it is simply Mitch on the phone right now. If Lin does play the garbage time...then......m...
      Lin decline to play?
      Job obligation? Legal?
      What if he does?
      Lossing money? and build a image of a selfish player? etc
      Cited stress incurred stomach pain that he can't play?

      3楼2015-01-24 13:02
        It seems too coincidental that lakers losing so badl and jlin not playing...
        You and all of us here know that Lin has CARRIED the Lakers this season.
        He's been their best performer. Of course the Lakers stink without their best player.
        Defensive too.

        4楼2015-01-24 13:02
          Lakers getting blown out by 20 pts at halftime. Announcers are being strangely positive about it all, talking about Clarkson doing a good job. No one is mentioning the poor play that led to a 20 point deficit...
          The phase of developing young players began tonight. Those who are not in the future plan will be phased out gradually. Lin is the first to go.
          Ya Bill and Stu have said nothing negative about any Laker player. So much different than when Lin plays.

          5楼2015-01-24 13:02
            Worthy and Antoine not saying anything about Lin. So Lin must be traded. They are probably sick that this is the kind of game they have to announce every game
            I got the feeling that TWC couldn't talk about why Lin was not on court...?!
            Could FO be having talks with Boston right now who made it known that they are willing to take salary dump?
            Boston is trying to shed salary, not add it.

            6楼2015-01-24 13:02
              so kobe can't play, lin can't too. just plain ridiculous.
              Scott is trying to gift wrap a consolation prize to Kobe Bryant's injury.
              See, Scott knows that Kobe was pissed that Lin kept outplaying him. So Scott decided to send a "gift"
              to Kobe to make Kobe happy that his nemesis Lin isn't a Laker anymore.
              However, the curse of Lin is causing the Lakers to be shockingly bad in such a way that Bryant cannot feel consolation at watching his Lakers DIE LINBARRASINGLY!
              that's really twisted, don't they want their team to be winning, what's so bad about linsanity for the lakers. the FO is out of their mind playing along with them. anyway, i still believe lin will join another team, hopefully not every team is as sick as the lakers.

              7楼2015-01-24 13:03
                Byrom Scott and Kobe are angry that an Asian guy Linsanitized them and other African American players.
                Those two fools believe that the NBA is not for Asians and have been hellbent on proving that Linsanity was fake.
                Unfortunately, Lin put up some STELLAR PERFORMANCES against them.
                I wrote that Scott would learn that the only way to stop Lin is to DNP CD Lin. He learned indeed from Linstructor, just as I said Scott would!

                8楼2015-01-24 13:04
                  To honor KHuang's foresight, here's the tweet
                  Please VOTE by Retweet or Favorite

                  9楼2015-01-24 13:30

                    Lin definitely not sulking tonight, though. He was been out there supporting his teammates, going out on the court even after final horn.
                    Yeah I noticed that too. Lin seems to be in a good mood. He must know something. He normally just rushes to the locker room when he isn't happy. Stayed and congratulated his teammates giving high fives.
                    It's okay Lakers can tank without him. He's now officially paid for not playing lol
                    I think they sure talked to him before the game... He looked OK to me just a little bit bored sometimes... I believe today's about show case from Clarkson & Price.
                    It might be his last time to do that.

                    10楼2015-01-24 13:37
                      I hope the Asian sponsors that fork out their money learn their lesson and put an exit clause on Jeremy be demoted to back up player.
                      $200m to make the Lakers No1(toppled NYK Knicks) on Forbe list isn't small money, Maxxis and East West Bank ($??) should know better by now. smh
                      Yeah, the Asian community needs to stop funding these reams who disrespect them. They need to put their foot down. AS a na African American, they way lin has been treated ,our community would have put a stop to this long ago. Also the Asian kobe fans in China, need to get a clue and realize that they are just using them.

                      11楼2015-01-24 13:51

                        12楼2015-01-24 14:14

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                          13楼2015-01-24 15:01

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