1. What"s your name?
2. Does your name have anyspecial meaning?
3. Where were you comefrom?
4. What kind of landscapesurrounds your hometown?
5. What is the main cropin your hometown?
6. What is the differencebetween Beijingand your hometown?
7. What are the mainplaces of interest in your hometown?
8. What is the climatelike in your hometown?
9. What is the characterof the people like in the region where you live?
10. What are the differencesin accent between the people of your hometown and Beijing?
11. What is people"sfavorite food in your region?
12. How do you makedumplings?
13. What do you do duringthe Spring Festival?
14. Why is the SpringFestival so important to Chinese people?
15. Can you describe oneof the main festivals celebrated in your country?
16. Tell me somethingabout the Lantern Festival.
17. Tell me somethingabout the Qing Ming Festival.
18. Tell me somethingabout the customs of your country.
19. How long have youlived in Beijing?
20. What is the weatherlike in Beijing?
21. How do you compare theclimate in Beijingwith that in your hometown?
22. What place in Beijing do you like best?Why ?
23. Which is the worstplace you"ve been toChina?
24. Which is the bestplace you"ve been toChina?
25. What places in Beijing should aforeigner visit? Why?
26. What are the majorsocial problems in Beijing?How can they be solved?
27. What is the biggestproblemChinafaces?
28. What places in Beijing should aforeigner visit? Why?
29. Could you tell mesomething about your family?
30. Have you any children?
31. What is yourchild"s name? Does his name have a meaning?
32. What does yourwife/husband do?
33. When did you getmarried?
34. Describe your wedding.
35. How have weddingschanged in recent years?
36. Are there any specialcustoms about wedding in your region?
37. Describe a traditionalwedding ceremony.
38. Where did you go foryour honeymoon?
39. Did you have to askfor permission from your parents before you got married?
40. Is it acceptable forcouples to live together without marrying?
41. Where do you think a newly coupleshould live? Living with their parents or on their own?
42. What responsibilitiesshould a couple take?
43. How do Chinese usuallycelebrate birthdays?
44. Are there anytraditions concerning the birth of a baby?
45. What kind of parent doyou intend to be?
46. What do you think ofOne-Child Policy inChina?
47. Why do people inChinatraditionally want to have a son?
48. What difficulties doChinese farmers have concerning their old age?
49. What do you thinkneeds to be done in order to relieve the farmer"s worries?
50. What hope or fears doyou have for your children?
51. What sort of culturedo you hope your child will grow up in?
52. Are you going to bringup your child differently from the way you were brought up? How?
53. Do you enjoy shopping?
54. Who does most of theshopping in your family?
55. What are you good atcooking? What is your favorite dish?
56. Who does most ofcooking in your family?
57. Is there ***discrimination inChina?
58. How do you sum upwomen"s conditions inChina?
59. What are the causes of*** discrimination?
60. Should government paycertain salaries to those housewives? Why or why not?
61. Would you want yourwife to continue with her career or to stay at home taking care of thehousehold after you get married?
62. Have you ever wishedto be one of the opposite ***? Why (why not)?
63. What would you do ifyour next-door neighbour were noisy nearly all the time?
64. Do you have a lot offriend?
65. What does friendshipmean to you? What kind of people do you make friend with?
66. What is your major?
67. How do you like yourmajor?
68. When and where did yougraduate? What qualifications have you obtained?
69. Do you still rememberyour school days?
70. What impressed youmost when you were at university?
71. Which is the bestuniversity in your country?
72. Could you sum up yourown study habits in a few points?
73. What do you think ofthe practice of setting up key schools in primary and secondary schooleducation inChina?
74. Do you think thesubjects you are studying today are relevant to present-day society? Why ?
75. What do you thinkeducation should be? Should it be a process of learning what is useful for yourfuture life or should it be simply learning for enjoyment? Why?
76. What do you do for aliving?
77. What do you do in theoffice every day?
78. Since your job seemstoo professional to me, could you explain it in detail?
79. What are your jobprospects?
80. If you had theopportunity to change your job, what would you do with it?
81. Do you have any ambitious?
82. Will any possiblefuture changes affect your job in any way?
83. What are your sparetime interests?
84. How do you spend yourweekends?
85. What is your favoritesport? What are the rules?
86. What is the mostpopular sport in your country?
87. What are the sportingfacilities like in your university/Beijing?
88. What do you know aboutQigong? Do you believe in Qigong?
89. What do you do in yourspare time?
90. Do you often readnewspapers? If not, why ones do you read?
91. What do you think ofcomputer?
92. Do you think computerhas changed our life so much?
93. Do you often go to thecinema/theatre?
94. What kind of films doyou like best?
95. Do you often watch TV?What is your favorite program?
96. Do you think watchingTV too much is a waste of time?
97. What kind of music doyou enjoy?
98. Who is your favoritefilm star? Will you describe him/her to me?
99. Do you enjoy travelling?
100. Where have you beentravelling to? Which place interested you most?
101. Do you smoking?
102. Do you think smokingis a problem that needs special attention and has to be solved? If so, why?
103. What do you knowabout ABC?
104. What problem do youthink you will have in ABC?
105. How will you overcomethe difficulties?
106. Do you think you willbe able to cope with English-demands of yourintended study program in ABC?
107. What difficulties doyou think you’ll encounter in your studies in ABC?
108. Can you imagine whatlife in Britain/Canada/Australia/London, etc. would be like?
109. How will you fare inBritain/Canada/Australia, etc. without your family?
110. What do you intend tostudy?
111. Which university areyou going to study at?
112. Why did you choosethis university?
113. Where are you goingto study in ABC?
114. What are you plans inABC?
115. What is your researchproposal all about?
116. What do you hope formost from your study abroad?
117. Will your studyabroad help your job prospects after come back toChina?
118. Should you study moretheory or do more practice? Give your reasons, please.
119. What kind of differencesin the cultures are you expecting betweenChinaand the ABC?
120. How will your studyinBritainbenefit your workinChinawhen you come backtoChina?
121. What do you intend todo after you finish studying?
122. What will be yourmain problem when you are study in a foreign country?
123. What problem can youforesee in the future when you come back toChina?
124. Will there be anyadjustment problems in your life when you come back toChina? If so,what are they?
125. Will you have to makeany changes in your work/life when you come back toChina?
126. Do you think therewill be a gap between your knowledge gained inChinaand the level of knowledgeyou are going to encounter on arrival? If so, what will it be?
127. What do you think ofthe future ofChinakeeps an open policy?
128. What do you regard asthe most significant events in your country’s recent history?
129. Are there any specialplaces you want to see inCanada?What are they?
130. What do you especiallywant to do inCanada?
131. How do you like yourlife in ABC University?
132. What do you think ofthe training in the university?
133. In what way do youthink university training is helpful or falls short?
134. What aspect ofEnglish do you find the most difficult?
135. Do you find AmericanEnglish easier to understand than Britain English?
136. What sports areplayed in your country?
137. Could you describethe traditional architecture of your country?
138. What role dose religionplay in everyday life in your country?
139. What would you regardas the most significant events in your country"s recent history?
140. How aware do youthink people are nowadays about environmental issues?
141. Could you tell me whyyou chose to study at the university of ABC?
142. What role dosetourism play in your country"s economy?
143. How serious isunemployment in your country?
144. In your opinion, whatare the most serious problems associated with modern life?
145. What do you thinkhave been the most important changes in your field over the past 5 years?
146. What are you going tomajor in ?
147. Are you going to doyour own cooking when you are at university?
148. Some local studentsfeel that overseas students get preferential treatment. What is your opinion?
149. Do you think you willbe able to cope with the English-language demandsof your intended program?
150. What do you think arethe main causes of road accidents?
151. Do you think thegovernment is doing enough to prevent road accidents?
152. As there are more andmore private cars, what do you think the government should do in order toencourage citizens to use public transport?
153. How do you seeyourself in ten years" time?
154. Have you ever thoughtto have your own business?
155. What business do youhope to have?
156. Do you know about anypolicies about opening a business abroad?
157. What are your plansfor your future?
158. Why do you thinkthere are more and more people leaving to immigrate to other countries?
159. Is it good forChinathat so many people are going to other countries?
160. Will your life change a lot after you immigrate to ABC?
161. What will you do ifyou are ill abroad?
162. Do you know what todo in case of emergency?
163. What will do if youcannot find a job in ABC?
164. Why do you want toimmigrate to ABC?
165. What will you doafter the IELTS test?
166. What will do if youfail the IELTS test?
167. What"s yourdream job?
168. How long have youbeen learning English?
169. What troubles youmost at the moment?
170. Does your familysupport your decision on going ABC? What help do they offer?
2. Does your name have anyspecial meaning?
3. Where were you comefrom?
4. What kind of landscapesurrounds your hometown?
5. What is the main cropin your hometown?
6. What is the differencebetween Beijingand your hometown?
7. What are the mainplaces of interest in your hometown?
8. What is the climatelike in your hometown?
9. What is the characterof the people like in the region where you live?
10. What are the differencesin accent between the people of your hometown and Beijing?
11. What is people"sfavorite food in your region?
12. How do you makedumplings?
13. What do you do duringthe Spring Festival?
14. Why is the SpringFestival so important to Chinese people?
15. Can you describe oneof the main festivals celebrated in your country?
16. Tell me somethingabout the Lantern Festival.
17. Tell me somethingabout the Qing Ming Festival.
18. Tell me somethingabout the customs of your country.
19. How long have youlived in Beijing?
20. What is the weatherlike in Beijing?
21. How do you compare theclimate in Beijingwith that in your hometown?
22. What place in Beijing do you like best?Why ?
23. Which is the worstplace you"ve been toChina?
24. Which is the bestplace you"ve been toChina?
25. What places in Beijing should aforeigner visit? Why?
26. What are the majorsocial problems in Beijing?How can they be solved?
27. What is the biggestproblemChinafaces?
28. What places in Beijing should aforeigner visit? Why?
29. Could you tell mesomething about your family?
30. Have you any children?
31. What is yourchild"s name? Does his name have a meaning?
32. What does yourwife/husband do?
33. When did you getmarried?
34. Describe your wedding.
35. How have weddingschanged in recent years?
36. Are there any specialcustoms about wedding in your region?
37. Describe a traditionalwedding ceremony.
38. Where did you go foryour honeymoon?
39. Did you have to askfor permission from your parents before you got married?
40. Is it acceptable forcouples to live together without marrying?
41. Where do you think a newly coupleshould live? Living with their parents or on their own?
42. What responsibilitiesshould a couple take?
43. How do Chinese usuallycelebrate birthdays?
44. Are there anytraditions concerning the birth of a baby?
45. What kind of parent doyou intend to be?
46. What do you think ofOne-Child Policy inChina?
47. Why do people inChinatraditionally want to have a son?
48. What difficulties doChinese farmers have concerning their old age?
49. What do you thinkneeds to be done in order to relieve the farmer"s worries?
50. What hope or fears doyou have for your children?
51. What sort of culturedo you hope your child will grow up in?
52. Are you going to bringup your child differently from the way you were brought up? How?
53. Do you enjoy shopping?
54. Who does most of theshopping in your family?
55. What are you good atcooking? What is your favorite dish?
56. Who does most ofcooking in your family?
57. Is there ***discrimination inChina?
58. How do you sum upwomen"s conditions inChina?
59. What are the causes of*** discrimination?
60. Should government paycertain salaries to those housewives? Why or why not?
61. Would you want yourwife to continue with her career or to stay at home taking care of thehousehold after you get married?
62. Have you ever wishedto be one of the opposite ***? Why (why not)?
63. What would you do ifyour next-door neighbour were noisy nearly all the time?
64. Do you have a lot offriend?
65. What does friendshipmean to you? What kind of people do you make friend with?
66. What is your major?
67. How do you like yourmajor?
68. When and where did yougraduate? What qualifications have you obtained?
69. Do you still rememberyour school days?
70. What impressed youmost when you were at university?
71. Which is the bestuniversity in your country?
72. Could you sum up yourown study habits in a few points?
73. What do you think ofthe practice of setting up key schools in primary and secondary schooleducation inChina?
74. Do you think thesubjects you are studying today are relevant to present-day society? Why ?
75. What do you thinkeducation should be? Should it be a process of learning what is useful for yourfuture life or should it be simply learning for enjoyment? Why?
76. What do you do for aliving?
77. What do you do in theoffice every day?
78. Since your job seemstoo professional to me, could you explain it in detail?
79. What are your jobprospects?
80. If you had theopportunity to change your job, what would you do with it?
81. Do you have any ambitious?
82. Will any possiblefuture changes affect your job in any way?
83. What are your sparetime interests?
84. How do you spend yourweekends?
85. What is your favoritesport? What are the rules?
86. What is the mostpopular sport in your country?
87. What are the sportingfacilities like in your university/Beijing?
88. What do you know aboutQigong? Do you believe in Qigong?
89. What do you do in yourspare time?
90. Do you often readnewspapers? If not, why ones do you read?
91. What do you think ofcomputer?
92. Do you think computerhas changed our life so much?
93. Do you often go to thecinema/theatre?
94. What kind of films doyou like best?
95. Do you often watch TV?What is your favorite program?
96. Do you think watchingTV too much is a waste of time?
97. What kind of music doyou enjoy?
98. Who is your favoritefilm star? Will you describe him/her to me?
99. Do you enjoy travelling?
100. Where have you beentravelling to? Which place interested you most?
101. Do you smoking?
102. Do you think smokingis a problem that needs special attention and has to be solved? If so, why?
103. What do you knowabout ABC?
104. What problem do youthink you will have in ABC?
105. How will you overcomethe difficulties?
106. Do you think you willbe able to cope with English-demands of yourintended study program in ABC?
107. What difficulties doyou think you’ll encounter in your studies in ABC?
108. Can you imagine whatlife in Britain/Canada/Australia/London, etc. would be like?
109. How will you fare inBritain/Canada/Australia, etc. without your family?
110. What do you intend tostudy?
111. Which university areyou going to study at?
112. Why did you choosethis university?
113. Where are you goingto study in ABC?
114. What are you plans inABC?
115. What is your researchproposal all about?
116. What do you hope formost from your study abroad?
117. Will your studyabroad help your job prospects after come back toChina?
118. Should you study moretheory or do more practice? Give your reasons, please.
119. What kind of differencesin the cultures are you expecting betweenChinaand the ABC?
120. How will your studyinBritainbenefit your workinChinawhen you come backtoChina?
121. What do you intend todo after you finish studying?
122. What will be yourmain problem when you are study in a foreign country?
123. What problem can youforesee in the future when you come back toChina?
124. Will there be anyadjustment problems in your life when you come back toChina? If so,what are they?
125. Will you have to makeany changes in your work/life when you come back toChina?
126. Do you think therewill be a gap between your knowledge gained inChinaand the level of knowledgeyou are going to encounter on arrival? If so, what will it be?
127. What do you think ofthe future ofChinakeeps an open policy?
128. What do you regard asthe most significant events in your country’s recent history?
129. Are there any specialplaces you want to see inCanada?What are they?
130. What do you especiallywant to do inCanada?
131. How do you like yourlife in ABC University?
132. What do you think ofthe training in the university?
133. In what way do youthink university training is helpful or falls short?
134. What aspect ofEnglish do you find the most difficult?
135. Do you find AmericanEnglish easier to understand than Britain English?
136. What sports areplayed in your country?
137. Could you describethe traditional architecture of your country?
138. What role dose religionplay in everyday life in your country?
139. What would you regardas the most significant events in your country"s recent history?
140. How aware do youthink people are nowadays about environmental issues?
141. Could you tell me whyyou chose to study at the university of ABC?
142. What role dosetourism play in your country"s economy?
143. How serious isunemployment in your country?
144. In your opinion, whatare the most serious problems associated with modern life?
145. What do you thinkhave been the most important changes in your field over the past 5 years?
146. What are you going tomajor in ?
147. Are you going to doyour own cooking when you are at university?
148. Some local studentsfeel that overseas students get preferential treatment. What is your opinion?
149. Do you think you willbe able to cope with the English-language demandsof your intended program?
150. What do you think arethe main causes of road accidents?
151. Do you think thegovernment is doing enough to prevent road accidents?
152. As there are more andmore private cars, what do you think the government should do in order toencourage citizens to use public transport?
153. How do you seeyourself in ten years" time?
154. Have you ever thoughtto have your own business?
155. What business do youhope to have?
156. Do you know about anypolicies about opening a business abroad?
157. What are your plansfor your future?
158. Why do you thinkthere are more and more people leaving to immigrate to other countries?
159. Is it good forChinathat so many people are going to other countries?
160. Will your life change a lot after you immigrate to ABC?
161. What will you do ifyou are ill abroad?
162. Do you know what todo in case of emergency?
163. What will do if youcannot find a job in ABC?
164. Why do you want toimmigrate to ABC?
165. What will you doafter the IELTS test?
166. What will do if youfail the IELTS test?
167. What"s yourdream job?
168. How long have youbeen learning English?
169. What troubles youmost at the moment?
170. Does your familysupport your decision on going ABC? What help do they offer?