I am spirit quickened.
I am wisdom made keen and sights unseen.
Can you see me? Hardly!
I am brilliant light that pierces dark.
I am blackest night with ne'er a spark.
I am every blessing received and all curses got.
See me now? Pish. I think not!
I am resolve in absence of hope.
I am the sun and moon eloped.
If you could see to the very heart,
You would yet know me but in part.
I am all and I am none.
Am I many? Ay, we are One.
My peace is with you, though you sense it not.
Remember me when time itself is forgot.
I shall never forget you, my gift.
I am wisdom made keen and sights unseen.
Can you see me? Hardly!
I am brilliant light that pierces dark.
I am blackest night with ne'er a spark.
I am every blessing received and all curses got.
See me now? Pish. I think not!
I am resolve in absence of hope.
I am the sun and moon eloped.
If you could see to the very heart,
You would yet know me but in part.
I am all and I am none.
Am I many? Ay, we are One.
My peace is with you, though you sense it not.
Remember me when time itself is forgot.
I shall never forget you, my gift.