A great big man,weighing around 250 pounds,walked with slow heavy noisy footsteps up to the prouduce counter in the supermarket."Give me half a head of cabbage,"he told the clerk.
"All we have are whole heads,"the clerk repiled in cold voice.
"I don't want a whole head,"the customer answered,"Just half a head.Are you going to sell me half a head?"
"Wait a minute,"said the clerk nervously,"Let me ask the manager."
She went back where the manager was."Hey,"she said to the manager,"there's a big,stupid,looking buffalo out front,he wants me to sell him half a head of cabbage.Shall I tell the fool to···"Suddenly,she noticed the manager staring——not at her.Turning,surprisingly,the cleck saw that the big and tall customer had followed her and heard every word.
Quickly,the clerk turned back to the manager,"And this gentleman,"she said,"wants to buy the other half."