类属性定义: 码农: public static int TYPE = 1; 黑客: /** * 此策略下消息类型为全局类型,用以通知所有符合B05协议要求的处理者 * …… …… */ public static int TYPE = MsgTypes.TYPE_GLOBAL; 2B程序员: public static String TYPE_ONE = "1"; public String TYPE = TYPE_ONE;
桌面应用界面开发: 码农:Swing/MFC/C# 黑客:WPF 2B程序员:VB(哈哈,不要怪我,我也做过VB项目,我没有偏见,不过关于VB的非议实在是太多太多了,连Dijkstra都说,“It is practically impossible to teach good programming to students that have had a prior exposure to BASIC: as potential programmers they are mentally mutilated beyond hope of regeneration.”)