喜德力吧 关注:5贴子:26
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惠州市启达实业有限公司(以后称“喜德力”)是“喜德力”牌商用电磁炉的开发生产商,位于全国百强县之一的广东惠州博罗县园洲李屋工业区,是一家集电磁感应加热技术研发与应用,生产,销售于一体的高品质电磁炉生产商与电磁加热系统方案提供商;是大功率电磁感应加热设备领域最具综合实力的高科技企业之一。喜德力电磁炉多年来秉承“高品质电磁炉制造商,电磁加热方案提供商"的理念得到了广大客户的青睐和认可。 企业聚集了行业内一大批顶尖科研及营销精英,拥有自主研发的核心技术和知识产权。技术力量雄厚,产品质量过硬。先后通过了ISO9001质量管理体系和ISO14001环境管理体系认证。喜德力商用电磁炉和相配套的整体电磁感应加热设备,获得了多项国家技术专利。 公司与旺旺集团,裕元集团,顺溜削面餐饮连锁等企业达成战略合作伙伴关系,积累了优良的客户资源。公司为餐饮业提供人性化、智能化的商用厨房设备,推出以无黑烟、无明火、零排放、零污染、安全高效、节能低碳等诸多优点的喜德力高品质商用电磁炉,已被广大用户接受使用。 公司将继续围绕客户的需求持续创新,与合作伙伴开放合作,致力于为客户提供系统的解决方案、产品和服务,为客户创造最大价值。 Huizhou City Kai Industrial Co., Ltd. is located in one of the hundred counties in Guangdong Huizhou Boluo Chau Lee Uk Industrial Zone, is a collection of electromagnetic induction heating technology development and application, production and sales of high quality induction cooker manufacturers and electromagnetic heating system solutions provider; electromagnetic induction heating power is one of the most comprehensive strength equipment in the field of high-tech enterprises. Gathered a large number of enterprises in the industry's top research and marketing elite, has independently developed the core technology and intellectual property. Strong technical force, excellent product quality. Has passed the ISO9001 quality management system and ISO14001 environmental management system certification. Hi Deli commercial cooker and matching the overall electromagnetic induction heating equipment, access to a number of national patents. Companies with Want Want Group, Windsor Group, Shunliu surfacing restaurant chain and other companies entered into a strategic partnership, has accumulated a superior customer resources. The company provides humane, intelligent commercial kitchen equipment for the food and beverage industry, launched with no smoke, undetermined origin, zero emissions, zero pollution, safe and efficient, low-carbon energy and many other advantages of "Hi de force" brand of high quality commercial induction cooker , has been accepted by the majority of users use. The company will continue to focus on customer needs continuous innovation, open collaboration with partners, is committed to providing customers with system solutions, products and services, and create maximum value for customers.

IP属地:广东1楼2015-02-02 08:56回复

    IP属地:广东通过百度相册上传3楼2015-02-03 10:21