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Wikipedia护肤词条翻译 02:烟酰胺


1楼2015-02-05 18:16回复

    2楼2015-02-05 18:17
      Nicotinamide,(ni-kə-tē-nə-mīd) also known as niacinamide and nicotinic amide, is the amideof nicotinic acid (vitamin B3 / niacin). Nicotinamide is a water-solublevitamin and is part of the vitamin B group. Nicotinic acid, also known asniacin, is converted to nicotinamide in vivo, and, though the two are identicalin their vitamin functions, nicotinamide does not have the same pharmacologicaland toxic effects of niacin, which occur incidental to niacin's conversion.Thus nicotinamide does not reduce cholesterol or cause flushing,[1] althoughnicotinamide may be toxic to the liver at doses exceeding 3 g/day foradults.[2] In cells, niacin is incorporated into nicotinamide adeninedinucleotide (NAD) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP), althoughthe pathways for nicotinic acid amide and nicotinic acid are very similar. NAD+and NADP+ are coenzymes in a wide variety of enzymatic oxidation-reductionreactions.[3] It's produced by the aqueous aminolysis of 3-cyanopyridine(nicotinonitrile) and subsequent crystallization.

      3楼2015-02-05 18:18
        Use in medicine
        Skin conditions
        Nicotinamide hasdemonstrated anti-inflammatory actions that may be of benefit to patients withinflammatory skin conditions.[4] These conditions include acne vulgaris, andthe compound can suppress antigen-induced, lymphocytic transformation andinhibit 3',5'-cyclic-AMP phosphodiesterase. Nicotinamide has demonstrated theability to block the inflammatory actions of iodides known to precipitate orexacerbate inflammatory acne.
        NicAzel andNicomide are the names of oral acne medications that include nicotinamide astheir most predominant ingredient, based on this area of research. Nicotinamideis also found as part of a new adjunct supplement combination called, AzerizinTM.According to the makers of Azerizin, this adjunct is part of their prescriptiondietary supplement product, which they claim helps manage inflammatory skinconditions. Nicotinamide is also used topically as a 4% or 5% gel or cream - aseffective as topical 1% clindamycin (8-week double-blind trial) performed atthe New York University College of Medicine.[5] Unlike topical Erythromycin orClindamycin it does not precipitate bacterial resistance in treatinginflammatory acne. Nicotinamide acne treatment is also available asNicotinamide pads and cream.
        Nicotinamide isalso reported to be an effective skin whitener in topical application.[6][7]
        烟酰胺被证明有抗皮炎的作用,可能会对某些皮炎患者的皮肤状况有帮助[4],包括寻常痤疮,而且这种成分能抑制抗原诱导,淋巴细胞转化和3',5'-cyclic-AMP phosphodiesterase(一种酶)。而且烟酰胺被证明可以阻止众所周知会加剧炎性粉刺的碘化物引起的炎症反应。根据这一领域的研究,以烟酰胺为主要成分的口服的粉刺药物名字分别是NicAzel 和 Nicomide.。烟酰胺还是一种全新的附属补充合成物----- Azerizin。从Azerizin的生产商得知,这种附属物是凭处方方可购买的膳食补充剂,而他们更声称可以帮助控制皮肤炎症。烟酰胺还可以外用,以4%或5%的浓度应用在凝胶和面霜,由纽约医学院完成的为期八周的双盲实验表明这和1%浓度的克林霉素一样高效,[5]但不像红霉素和克林霉素一样在治疗炎性痤疮上会产生抗药性,烟酰胺痤疮治疗就像烟酰胺片和霜一样有效。烟酰胺同样被报道应用在外用产品中有极佳的美白功效。[6][7]

        4楼2015-02-05 18:19
          1.Jacenollo, P.(1992). Niacin versus niacinamide
          2. Knip M, DouekIF, Moore WP etal. (2000). "Safety of high-dose nicotinamide: a review".Diabetologia 43 (11): 1337–45. doi:10.1007/s001250051536. PMID 11126400.
          3. Belenky P;Bogan KL; Brenner C (2007). "NAD+ metabolism in health and disease".Trends Biochem. Sci. 32 (1): 12–9. doi:10.1016/j.tibs.2006.11.006. PMID17161604. Retrieved 2007-12-23.
          4. Niren NM(2006). "Pharmacologic doses of nicotinamide in the treatment ofinflammatory skin conditions: a review". Cutis 77 (1 Suppl): 11–6. PMID16871774.
          5. Shalita AR,Smith JG, Parish LC, Sofman MS, Chalker DK (June 1995). "Topicalnicotinamide compared with clindamycin gel in the treatment of inflammatoryacne vulgaris". International Journal of Dermatology 34 (6): 434–7.doi:10.1111/j.1365-4362.1995.tb04449.x. PMID 7657446.
          6. Hakozaki T,Minwalla L, Zhuang J et al. (July 2002). "The effect of niacinamide onreducing cutaneous pigmentation and suppression of melanosome transfer".Br. J. Dermatol. 147 (1): 20–31. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2133.2002.04834.x. PMID12100180.
          7. Navarrete-SolísJ, Castanedo-Cázares JP, Torres-Álvarez B et al. (July 2011). "ADouble-Blind, Randomized Clinical Trial of Niacinamide 4% versus Hydroquinone4% in the Treatment of Melasma". Dermatol Res Pract. 2011 (379173): 1.doi:10.1155/2011/379173. PMC 3142702. PMID 21822427.

          5楼2015-02-05 18:19

            6楼2015-02-05 18:21