1. The Big News Promise to help 'Thirsty' - visit Thurston at home - skip 5 gems Reward: 490 coin, 3 xp 2. Shop 'Til you drop Visit the market x1 - dkip 5 gems Use Pile of seeds x20 - skip 20 gems Use enchanter's essence x1 - skip 10 gems Reward: 480 coin, 3 xp 3. Great Expectations Place the wedding carriage x2 (place) Carriage is 2x2 size Cost: 50000 coin Build: 5 Lace, 2 Wedding bells, 20 Rose petals, 5 Ribbons - all come from the new Royal Exchange trade Buy all for 300 gems. 4. Supermarket Sweep - OPTIONAL TIMED 24 HOUR GOAL. During this time, wedding supplies are easier to acquire. Bargain with the other planners x8 - 3 hours each in royal exchange Need: 10 faerie murmur, 2 floral glow, 3 fellora blossoms Reward: 490 coin 3 xp Note: you also get a trade ticket every time! 5. Carriage Conundrum Thurston's time to battle all of the wedding shoppers! Gather the wedding supplies x1 Trade: 20 murmur, 4 floral glow, 4 fellora blossoms - 6 hours. Speed up exchange for 24 gems. Reward: 490 coin 3 xp 6. Horsin' Around Have 2 alicorn shoe polish. skip 150 gems Use 5 alicorn shoe polish. skip 150 gems Use 10 alicorn mane brush. skip 150 gems Beautify your alicorn (dress) Reward: 490 coin 3 xp and ANOTHER ALICORN! my returns from exchange: (it cost 12 gems to speed up the exchange) 1. 2 ribbons, 5 rose petals 2. 1 wedding bell, 2 ribbons 3. 2 ribbons, 2 lace 4. 2 ribbons, 2 lace 5. 4 ribbons 6. 4 lace 7. 5 rose petals, 2 lace 8. 4 ribbons Note: The goal auto completes after this and goes to step 5.