IMmortal CD's AVAILABLE HERE: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/blackgryph0nbaasik2
Get the song here: http://blackgryph0n.bandcamp.com/track/sight-unseen
Or get the entire 12 track album here: http://blackgryph0n.bandcamp.com/album/immortal
Physical CD's available soon... I'll keep y'all posted.
Cover art (without logos or titles) on my Deviant Art page: http://blackgryph0n.deviantart.com/art/Sight-Unseen-Cover-Art-474576839
IMmortal CD's AVAILABLE HERE: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/blackgryph0nbaasik2
Get the song here: http://blackgryph0n.bandcamp.com/track/sight-unseen
Or get the entire 12 track album here: http://blackgryph0n.bandcamp.com/album/immortal
Physical CD's available soon... I'll keep y'all posted.
Cover art (without logos or titles) on my Deviant Art page: http://blackgryph0n.deviantart.com/art/Sight-Unseen-Cover-Art-474576839