karai吧 关注:84贴子:1,575
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IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端1楼2015-02-13 22:31回复
    IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端2楼2015-02-13 22:32

      IP属地:北京来自Android客户端3楼2015-02-13 22:53
        帮up (  ̄ ▽ ̄)

        来自Android客户端4楼2015-02-15 12:12
          帮顶 ̄▽ ̄

          来自Android客户端5楼2015-02-18 09:25
            顶 ̄▽ ̄

            来自Android客户端6楼2015-02-20 08:41
               ̄▽ ̄帮顶

              来自Android客户端7楼2015-03-06 10:55
                A man like me,can not only avoid responsibility.
                Man like I alreadly tired of the feelings of failure.
                Other people think it is free.
                I can not love,I have covered all over with cuts and bruises.
                Apart from the cold and old wounds,I have no feeling.
                I have been dead.
                But I still eager for love,just hope not as ever.
                I want to love,I will not let the sad love.
                This love is best not to hurt my heart.
                I want love I don't want it meaningless.
                I want true love.

                来自Android客户端8楼2015-04-13 12:02
                  A man like me,can not only avoid responsibility.
                  Man like I alreadly tired of the feelings of failure.
                  Other people think it is free.
                  I can not love,I have covered all over with cuts and bruises.
                  Apart from the cold and old wounds,I have no feeling.
                  I have been dead.
                  But I still eager for love,just hope not as ever.
                  I want to love,I will not let the sad love.
                  This love is best not to hurt my heart.
                  I want love I don't want it meaningless.
                  I want true love.

                  来自Android客户端9楼2015-04-14 07:54
                    A man like me,can not only avoid responsibility.
                    Man like I alreadly tired of the feelings of failure.
                    Other people think it is free.
                    I can not love,I have covered all over with cuts and bruises.
                    Apart from the cold and old wounds,I have no feeling.
                    I have been dead.
                    But I still eager for love,just hope not as ever.
                    I want to love,I will not let the sad love.
                    This love is best not to hurt my heart.
                    I want love I don't want it meaningless.
                    I want true love.

                    来自Android客户端10楼2015-04-15 17:59
                      A man like me,can not only avoid responsibility.
                      Man like I alreadly tired of the feelings of failure.
                      Other people think it is free.
                      I can not love,I have covered all over with cuts and bruises.
                      Apart from the cold and old wounds,I have no feeling.
                      I have been dead.
                      But I still eager for love,just hope not as ever.
                      I want to love,I will not let the sad love.
                      This love is best not to hurt my heart.
                      I want love I don't want it meaningless.
                      I want true love.

                      来自Android客户端11楼2015-04-17 18:43
                         ̄▽ ̄顶
                          --有些人并不是逗比,他们只是装的。 就是那些时而笑得像傻子,时而安静的跟哑巴一样的,这种人…… 笑得有多大声,心里就有多阴暗 就不要挑战他们的底线, 你不会想知道他们真正的一面是有多残暴。

                        来自Android客户端12楼2015-05-17 16:46