1.恶魔猎手:Heep my word demons,you better start running.恶魔们你们给我听好了,你们准备逃命吧!
2.元素之王:The elements are mine to control.元素之力由我掌控!
3.黑暗精灵流放者:So,who are we killing today?哼哼,今天咱们取谁的性命?
4.深水君王:Water is King Reega's domain!水里是老子的地盘!
5.游牧刺客:Move like the wind and leave no footprints on the sand.身动如风,踏沙无痕!
6.赌徒:I am one of the best fighter in Haradon.You can bet your life on it!我是哈拉顿最厉害的战士。你可以赌上你的小命!1.恶魔猎手:Heep my word demons,you better start running.恶魔们你们给我听好了,你们准备逃命吧!
2.元素之王:The elements are mine to control.元素之力由我掌控!
3.黑暗精灵流放者:So,who are we killing today?哼哼,今天咱们取谁的性命?
4.深水君王:Water is King Reega's domain!水里是老子的地盘!
5.游牧刺客:Move like the wind and leave no footprints on the sand.身动如风,踏沙无痕!
6.赌徒:I am one of the best fighter in Haradon.You can bet your life on it!我是哈拉顿最厉害的战士。你可以赌上你的小命!