Working with Jessica Chastain, did you read the Her script while you were filming so you would know where she was coming from? 和JessicaChastain合作,你表演的时候有没有读过《她》的剧本,这样你就能知道她的故事? MCAVOY:No. When I finally realized that there was a Her movie, finally, late in the day, I asked to be excused from the read-through for my own thing. Because I thought that my movie was kind of a mystery. And her movie is called The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby, it’s sort of about her disappearing and all of that. But my movie is literal. She’s disappeared, and I don’t know where the fuck she’sgone. Do you know what I mean? And I wanted to be ignorant to her location. I didn’t want to know what was going on with her and I didn’t want to know what she was going through because, to be honest with you, that was the whole point ofmy movie. I thought I was in the dark with what the hell was going on with my wife, and then I totally stopped and realized that there was a hell of a lotgoing on in myself as well. You know what I mean? MCAVOY:没有。当那天我最终意识到还有《她》版本的时候,晚些时候,我请求不参加通读。因为我觉得我这个版本的电影是一个谜。而她的电影叫作《他和她的孤独情事》,讲述的是关于她消失的一系列事情。但是我这个版本的电影名字就如字面所说的,她消失了,我完全不知道她到底去了哪里。你明白我的意思么?我不想知道她在哪里。我不想知道她发生了什么事情以及她正在经历什么,说实话,这就是我这个版本电影的精髓。我想我完全不知道我妻子的情况,然后我也突然意识到我自己也身处困境。你懂我的意思么? Absolutely. And I have to ask about X-Men: Apocalypse.Have you read the script for that yet? 绝对的。而我得问问关于《X战警:天启》的事情。你已经看过剧本了么? MCAVOY: No, it doesn’t exist yet. But I’ve had a chat with Simon [Kinberg] and with lots of producers and writers. So it’s exciting, man. But I can’t give you anything about it, that’s the truth. MCAVOY:没有,它还没成型。不过我已经和Simon还有许多制片人和编剧聊过了。这部电影令人兴奋,但我不能给你透露任何消息。 Backto Eleanor Rigby. When you’re working with Ned as a writer, you said you responded to the material immediately. But as a director how was he at guiding you through allthat stuff? Was he able to wear both hats well? 回到《他和她的孤独情事》。当你和作为编剧的Ned合作的时候,你说你马上对剧本内容产生的共鸣。但是Ned作为导演,他怎么指导你演戏呢?这两样他都能做好么? MCAVOY: He was brilliant. That’s one of the nice things about working with a director who’s written the script isthat you get a key into the way they think. In a way that sitting down withthem, and them talking to you, and telling you about their vision, and “look at my storyboards”and all that shit. Any body can do that. Anybody can talk thetalk. But if they’veactually written the script, and it speaks to you in such a way that you knowhow they want to make the movie, and you know that he knows how to make thatmovie. Think about reading the script, that does everything. I knew what kind of movie he wanted to make. And I knew that he had a really good idea about how tomake it as well, and that he could do that stuff. It was nice to be on set withhim because he was just so in command of it. Really nice, chill guy. In apoetic way, he was one of the most assured and self-assured directors I’ve ever worked with, actually. MCAVOY:他非常出色。和写剧本的导演合作的好处之一就是,你能理解他们想法的关键所在。某种程度上讲,你和他们坐在一起,他们和你聊他们的想法,“看看我的故事板”,那类事情。每个人都能做到这样。每个人都可以这样聊天。但是如果他们亲自写剧本,而剧本让你能感觉到他们想如何呈现这部电影,那么你就知道他明白如何拍这部电影。想想你读到的剧本,那说明了一切。我知道他想要拍什么样的电影,我也知道他对拍这部电影有很好的想法,而他能够做到。和他一起拍戏感觉很好因为他掌管一切。他是个非常友善又酷酷的人。诗意一点讲,他是我曾合作过的最让人信任和最自信的导演之一,真的。 Forour readers who may be new to this project, what would you say is yourpreferred way to watch this? In what order? 对于那些可能不了解这个项目的读者,你建议观看的方式是什么?以什么样的顺序? MCAVOY:Any order of Him and Her, or Her and Him.Totally. Watch Him and Herbeforeyou watch Them. MCAVOY:先看《他》或者《她》都可以。总而言之,看完《他》和《她》之后再看Them。