刚刚的快速听了一下讲了什么,给没听清的小伙伴发一下,还有楼主不会下载啊,怎么弄?楼上有看的了得能扒下来放到这楼么???thx Karlie: Ok, so the minute I found out that we could be working on thisincredible project, I kinda freak out and I called Joan, and I left her themost typical hysteria voice mail, Idon’t what to do, I just kind screaming the entire kinda “JOAN, OH MY GOD, WEARE DOING THIS”!!!!!!!!!! Joan: You know what its more than that, is it ok if its ‘peeps’, youhave peep, peep, OK? Karlie: I am not sure, but its gonna be all embrassing. Playing Voice Mail: Holy Fxxk(peep) Shxt(peep) (楼主猜测是这两个字但被peep掉了),JOAAAAAANNNN!!! CALL ME, BITCH, ALL TAKE IT OVER THE PHOOOONE!!!!!!! I AM ??? RIGNT NOW(此处听不见). Joan: so basically that’s our reaction. Karlie: I was very exciting!!! Yes, so, and now we are here!!!! Joanand Karlie!!! Joan: Yeah!! Karlie: Watcha out! Joan: Watcha out! (此处两个人一起说的)