It's Monday! Another week is here and we're off to a great start toward Stretch Goal #2 - Mounts and Caravans. Today we want to take you behind the scenes with the artists at ArtCraft Entertainment and explain the Skill Training system in Crowfall.
Passive Training / Skills FAQ
How does passive training work?
Passive training allows you to advance your character(s) skills, whether or not you are actively logged in and playing the game.
Narratively speaking, this is represented in the game by having a temple with Thrall priests “praying” for your Hero to remember the skills from his previous life.
Is there active training, too?
Yes, you can advance a skill through use -- but only to get proficiency. Passive training is the primary way of advancing your character's skills.
Can I only train one skill at a time?
Actually, no! You can train a character in three skills at any one time. They don't all advance at the same rate, however.
You select a primary, secondary and tertiary skill to advance. The primary will advance quickest, followed by the secondary, followed by the tertiary.
What scale is used for skills?
100% is the "theoretical maximum" of a human hero. As a point of reference: if your character has a 100% sword skill, then they could compete as an Olympic-level fencer.
Since our players are immortal champions, chosen by the Gods at the time of their death, they often have skills above the “theoretical maximum” that a human mortal can achieve. Anything above 100% is heroic level; bards wrote poems that centered around your skills and your achievements are the stuff of legends.
How quickly do skills advance?
These numbers are still being balanced, but we're generally going for something like this: to reach 100% level with any skill takes 1 month of primary training, 2 months with secondary, 3 months with tertiary.
The results are granted on a diminishing returns curve, meaning that it is much easier to gain the first 10% of any skill than it is to gain the last.
As an upshot of this system, every time you log in, you should see advances in three of your skills!
Can I train more than one character at once?
Yes, if you have an optional VIP membership. A VIP membership allows you to train three characters in parallel. Each character will also have three passive training slots (i.e. it works the same way with ALL THREE characters, as it does with the first one.)
Once I select a primary, secondary or tertiary skill to train, can I change it? Or is it locked?
It is not locked. You can change (and re-order) which three skills you want to train at any time.
Can I train beyond my skill max?
No. You can only train up to your skill max.
Can I increase my skill max?
Yes. Max skills are determined by a combination of your archetype, promotion class, advantage and disadvantage runes, and Disciplines.
How are the skill increases calculated over time?
The gains are done on a diminishing returns curve. While it may be quick to gain those low-end skill points, mastery of a skill (i.e. the upper portion of the range) will take a considerable amount of time. It may be more beneficial to work on a bunch of skills at the low end rather than taking a skill to the absolute max. How you choose to advance is up to you!
What if I hit a skill max, and I am not able to get online?
No problem! You can queue-up additional skills to train.
It's Monday! Another week is here and we're off to a great start toward Stretch Goal #2 - Mounts and Caravans. Today we want to take you behind the scenes with the artists at ArtCraft Entertainment and explain the Skill Training system in Crowfall.
Passive Training / Skills FAQ
How does passive training work?
Passive training allows you to advance your character(s) skills, whether or not you are actively logged in and playing the game.
Narratively speaking, this is represented in the game by having a temple with Thrall priests “praying” for your Hero to remember the skills from his previous life.
Is there active training, too?
Yes, you can advance a skill through use -- but only to get proficiency. Passive training is the primary way of advancing your character's skills.
Can I only train one skill at a time?
Actually, no! You can train a character in three skills at any one time. They don't all advance at the same rate, however.
You select a primary, secondary and tertiary skill to advance. The primary will advance quickest, followed by the secondary, followed by the tertiary.
What scale is used for skills?
100% is the "theoretical maximum" of a human hero. As a point of reference: if your character has a 100% sword skill, then they could compete as an Olympic-level fencer.
Since our players are immortal champions, chosen by the Gods at the time of their death, they often have skills above the “theoretical maximum” that a human mortal can achieve. Anything above 100% is heroic level; bards wrote poems that centered around your skills and your achievements are the stuff of legends.
How quickly do skills advance?
These numbers are still being balanced, but we're generally going for something like this: to reach 100% level with any skill takes 1 month of primary training, 2 months with secondary, 3 months with tertiary.
The results are granted on a diminishing returns curve, meaning that it is much easier to gain the first 10% of any skill than it is to gain the last.
As an upshot of this system, every time you log in, you should see advances in three of your skills!
Can I train more than one character at once?
Yes, if you have an optional VIP membership. A VIP membership allows you to train three characters in parallel. Each character will also have three passive training slots (i.e. it works the same way with ALL THREE characters, as it does with the first one.)
Once I select a primary, secondary or tertiary skill to train, can I change it? Or is it locked?
It is not locked. You can change (and re-order) which three skills you want to train at any time.
Can I train beyond my skill max?
No. You can only train up to your skill max.
Can I increase my skill max?
Yes. Max skills are determined by a combination of your archetype, promotion class, advantage and disadvantage runes, and Disciplines.
How are the skill increases calculated over time?
The gains are done on a diminishing returns curve. While it may be quick to gain those low-end skill points, mastery of a skill (i.e. the upper portion of the range) will take a considerable amount of time. It may be more beneficial to work on a bunch of skills at the low end rather than taking a skill to the absolute max. How you choose to advance is up to you!
What if I hit a skill max, and I am not able to get online?
No problem! You can queue-up additional skills to train.