恋爱,让你的生活不可避免地多出一个人来。这个人需要你关心、想念、支持和安慰……在两个人的相处中,只有先自得其乐、对自己满意了,才能和另一半愉快地相处,共同奔向美好的生活。 One thing you simply cannot ignore about your relationship is that there is another person in your life. Your partner is someone you have to care for, think about regularly, support and comfort. 在恋爱中有件不可忽视的事,就是在你的生活中还有另外一个人。这个人需要你关心、想念、支持和安慰。 If you are not fulfilling these duties, your partner will feel neglected and hurt. Relationships can feel strained when you are neither confident in yourself nor feel personal self-worth. 如果你没有做到这些,你的另一半会感觉到被忽视和受伤。如果你既不自信也感觉不到自己的价值,那么你们的爱情就会变得岌岌可危。 This is when you might feel overly dependent on a relationship, have low self-esteem and experience anxiety. 这时你在恋爱中会感觉极度依赖、自卑、焦虑。 So, what can you do when you feel yourself slipping into this pattern of emotional outbursts, self-doubt and dependency? Take time to self-reflect on your own life goals and ambitions. 那么,当你感觉自己的这种情绪爆发、并自我怀疑、过分依赖时该怎么办呢?花些时间反省一下你自己的生活目标和理想吧。 If tomorrow your partner was out of the equation, would you still feel content in the other areas of your life? If your goal is to look and feel healthier, set aside the time to exercise, meditate and eat well. 如果明天你的伴侣离你而去,你是否仍然能从生活的其他方面得到满足?如果你的目标是要看起来并感觉更健康,就留出时间去锻炼、冥想、健康饮食。 If your goal is to switch jobs, start meeting with recruiters and networking. Making strides in your own life will allow you to be more present for someone else. 如果你的目标是换工作,那就开始和招聘人员会面交流、多参加社交活动。在生活中大有进步会使你在别人面前看起来更与时俱进。 Feeling emotionally dependent on your partner is comparable to that dreadful feeling of heartbreak when a relationship collapses. 情感上过于依赖另一半,其伤害程度不亚于分手时心碎的可怕感觉。 That pressure you experience on your chest feels permanent, you feel confused and overwhelmed. You constantly feel hopeless and alone, even when your partner is in the room. 你胸口所感受到的压力好像一直存在,你会感到困惑、不知所措。甚至当你的伴侣在房间里时,你也会不断地感到绝望、孤单。 It is as if nothing anyone says or does is enough. This is because nothing anyone does can give you enough unless you feel love for yourself.