湖人林旋风吧 关注:3,641贴子:58,669
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1楼2015-03-27 10:11回复

    Yes, Jeremy Lin is an NBA player
    Not only that, he is a top 20-25 NBA point guard in my mind right now and the stats back that up.
    Last three games:
    22.33 ppg
    5.33 apg
    29.5 min
    per 36 min:
    27.25 pts
    6.5 asts
    Season PER rank among PG's:
    real plus minus rank among PG's
    WAR (Estimated wins added based on RPM) rank:
    EWA (Estimated wins added) rank:
    VA (Value added) rank:
    All this while not being in an ideal situation or even just having a coach who has your back. Also, while having to play with some rather selfish and mediocre teammates.

    2楼2015-03-27 10:13
      When I saw the ranking put out by GM's/front office from around the NBA of who they think the top 30 best pg's and Lin wasn't even named in top 30...the obvious inevitable truth that these executives don't know basketball and Lin has incredible racial bias against him PERIOD or they clearly don't know what the F**k they're talking about.
      No matter what Lin faces, he still produces amazing play despite the reduced mins and everything thrown at him this season. The NBA by an large CANNOT refute Lin's play as of late.

      IP属地:美国3楼2015-03-27 10:16
        The most impressive stat out there is that, since the All Star break, JLin is ranked 16th in the entire NBA in PER. Not among point guards...among everyone. He's been amazing. When I wrote my article in February, I thought the next chapter was going to be next year. But this second half renaissance has been remarkable. (The article I reference:http://www.borntorunthenumbers.com/2015/02/the-strange-and-badly-misunderstood.html )

        IP属地:美国4楼2015-03-27 10:18
          I don't know if you heard that or not, but during the game last night, Lakers announcer said:
          "after the all stars break, just about every coachs talked about Lin in postgame"
          every coachs knows who is Lakers best player but their own clueless Scott..
          Not "talked about", "singing praises" was what Bill McDonald said.
          even better..

          IP属地:美国5楼2015-03-27 10:23

            IP属地:美国6楼2015-03-27 10:27
              Jeremy Lin is an NBA player........more than that.He is the only NBA player that opposing team's best defensive player tried to defend/double/triple team Jeremy more than Lebron,Hogden,Durant and some superstars never defended like Lin.IMO....the NBA as a whole is afraid of this one and only undrafted Asian American to be Linsanity once again..even his own team Kome and BS is also afraid.

              IP属地:美国7楼2015-03-27 10:28
                I'm still not going to say all racially bad. Rookie year and before Linsanity, I didn't think Lin was ready. That was evident to me when I was watching him play like he didn't belong in the league. Even he himself said he played terribly. Lin worked on improvement, and it all payed off. As for Houston, I don't think McHale believed in him, and may wanted to prove a point that he was right in getting rid of him in which I think he played a roll in that the time Lin was cut. Could there be racism involved? Not gonna rule that out. As for Lakers, they are just horrible, plus BS is tanking, and wants to straight up lose. My hope is that next season Lin does not go to the wrong team with the wrong coach. I'm sure he's going to be thinking about that. I haven't lost hope that he will play in a better situation next year.
                But JC gets a pass. I guess being half asian dosen't count, huh?
                Maybe half Black counts more? : (
                the looks counts more

                IP属地:美国9楼2015-03-27 10:31

                  IP属地:美国10楼2015-03-27 10:33

                    IP属地:美国11楼2015-03-27 10:38

                      @吃白兔的胡萝卜 @红茶杯rp @afa198355 @戴慧佳 @RIP64

                      IP属地:美国12楼2015-03-27 10:42

                        来自iPhone客户端13楼2015-03-27 13:36

                          IP属地:美国14楼2015-07-13 16:30