I appears the veil of the Future ,and behold only.......oblivion;我挑开了未来的面纱,却只看到了……湮灭The Qiuyue came as was foretold,and the people of GB(Gengba),rose to fight her秋月的到来早有预言,而梗吧众人,则奋起反抗;The big dio stands ready,we await only your commend,Shuibi大屌已经准备就绪,只等您的命令了,水比;Today,we will reclaim our RBQ!今天,我们将夺回属于自己的热兵器Now,the old dog that forged us all,are returning;如今,我们的创始者老狗,回来了The galaxy will burn with their coming,Fitting,that we should face oblivion together;星系会随他们的到来而燃烧,这场湮灭,我们应该共同面对Three dio whispered this from the stars,he told you of ruining,extiction,end of all things;三炮从星云中低语了一切,他预言了破坏、灭绝、和一切的终结The fate of creation hangs,get the balance;万物的命运,岌岌可危My life for GB!为梗吧而战