The next day was a little warmer. The two huskies came to a frozen river.
"Now I wish it were a little colder," said Flake. "Do you think the ice is safe?"
"I have an idea," said Crystal as she got out some rope. "I'll lead. You come in the middle, and the sled will follow at the end."
Step by step, the two huskies made their way across the river.
Crystal was almost on their side when-CRACK!-the ice gave way, plunging her into the water. Flake scampered onto the bank, pulling the sled with him. With the rope in his teeth, he pulled Crystal out of the river.
"That was close!" said Crystal as she shook her body. "Thanks for saving me."
“我现在倒希望冷点,” Flake说,“你觉得冰面够厚吗?”
“我有个办法,” Crystal 拿出一卷绳子,“我走前面,你在中间,雪橇拉在最后。”
“刚才真是好险!” Crystal发抖着说。“谢谢你救了我。”