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Ultrasonic technology as an innovative technology may be used for water and wastewater treatment for pollution removal.
This technology acts as an advanced oxidation process. Application of this technology leads to the decomposition of many
complex organic compounds to much simpler compounds during physical and chemical compounds during cavitation process.
In this article review, some applications of this valuable technology are presented.

IP属地:黑龙江1楼2015-04-21 22:05回复
    Ultrasound irradiation is a novel advanced oxidation
    process that has emerged as an answer to
    the growing need for lower levels of contaminants
    in wastewater (1, 2). The basis for the
    present-day generation of ultrasound was established
    as far back as 1880 with the discovery
    of the piezoelectric effect by the Curies (3).
    Cavitation phenomenon was first identified and
    reported in 1895 (4). Destruction of microorganisms
    by ultrasonic has been of considerable
    interest since 1920’s when studies of Harvey
    and Loomis were published. They showed that
    heating injure the bacteria, but ultrasonic appeared
    to have a greater effect (5). Since l945,
    an increasing understanding of the phenomenon
    of cavitation has developed coupled with significant
    developments in electronic circuitry and
    transducers (i.e. devices which convert electrical
    to mechanical signals and vice versa). As a
    result of this there has been a rapid expansion in
    the application of power ultrasound to chemical
    processes, a subject that has become known as
    “Sonochemistry” (3, 6). In the 1960’s, research
    concentrated on understanding the mechanisms
    of ultrasonic interaction with microbial cells. Cavitation
    phenomenon and associated shear disruption,
    localized heating and free radical formation
    were found to be contributory causes (7).
    By 1975 it was shown that brief exposure to
    ultrasonic lead to thinning of cell walls which was
    attributed to release cytoplasm membrane from
    the cell wall. Fecal coliforms inactivation most
    likely results from a combination of physical and
    chemical mechanisms which occur during acoustic
    cavitation, so it is expected that higher intensities
    will enhance inactivation rates. The correlation
    of chemical reaction rates and ultrasonic
    intensity has been reported previously. However,
    for most processes, increase in process rate not
    continues with higher sound intensities (8, 9).
    Since 1990, several studies have focused on the
    use of ultrasound to remove
    organic xenobiotics
    from water (10-13).

    IP属地:黑龙江2楼2015-04-21 22:06
      Sound theory
      Most modern ultrasonic devices rely on transducers
      which are composed of piezoelectric materials.
      Such materials respond to the application
      of an electrical potential across opposite faces
      with a small change in dimensions. This is the
      inverse of the piezoelectric effect. If the potential
      is alternated at high frequencies, the crystal
      converts electrical energy to mechanical vibration
      (sound) energy. At sufficiently high alternating
      potential, high frequency sound (ultrasound) will
      be generated. When more powerful ultrasound
      at a lower frequency is applied to a system, it is
      possible to produce chemical changes as a result
      of acoustically generated cavitation (3, 6). Frequencies
      above 18 kHz are usually considered
      to be ultrasonic. The frequencies used for ultrasonic
      cleaning, range 20 kHz to over 100 kHz.
      The most commonly used frequencies for industrial
      cleaning are those between 20 and 50 kHz
      (3, 14, 15). Ultrasound has wavelengths between
      successive compression waves measuring roughly
      10 to 10-3 cm. These are not comparable to molecular
      dimensions (Fig. 1). Because of this mismatch,
      the chemical effects of ultrasound cannot
      result from a direct interaction of sound with
      molecular species (6, 16).

      IP属地:黑龙江3楼2015-04-21 22:07
        Bubble cavitation
        Ultrasound reactor technology (USRT) in a liquid
        leads to the acoustic cavitation phenomenon
        such as formation, growth, and collapse of bubbles
        (cavitation), accompanied by generation of
        local high temperature, pressure, and reactive
        radical species (°OH , °OOH) via thermal dissociation
        of water and oxygen. These radicals penetrate
        into water and oxidize dissolved organic
        compounds. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is formed
        as a consequence of °OH and °OOH radical recombination
        in the outside of the cavitation bubble
        (17-19). Concentration of HO° at a bubble
        interface can be as high as 4x10-3 M, which is
        108-109 times higher than that in the other advanced
        oxidation processes. Pyrolysis of pollutants
        could lead to radical formation and starting
        chain reactions, e.g. degradation of carbon tetrachloride
        The basis for ultrasound irradiation applications is
        that acoustic cavitation can create a number of
        mechanical, acoustical, chemical and biological
        changes in a liquid (21, 22).
        Bubbles form, grow and subsequently collapse
        through compression-rarefaction cycles. Temperature
        in collapsing bubbles can reach to 3000-
        5000°K and pressure to 500-10,000 atm. Under
        such extreme conditions, water molecules undergo
        homolysis to yield hydroxyl radicals and
        hydrogen atoms. Since oxidation by hydroxyl radical
        is an important degradation pathway, amount
        of the hydroxyl radicals present in the sonolysis
        system is directly related to the degradation
        efficiency (23).
        There are two main mechanisms in sonolysis system
        for pollutant decomposition:
        Pyrolysis reactions in cavitation bubbles
        Radical reactions by radical species (°H, °OH)
        from water sonolysis.
        These two mechanisms are as below (20):
        In elastic media such as air and most solids,
        there is a continuous transition as a sound wave
        is transmitted. In non-elastic media such as water
        and most liquids, there is continuous transition as long as the amplitude or loudness of the
        sound is relatively low. As amplitude is increased
        the magnitude of the negative pressure in the
        areas of rarefaction eventually becomes sufficient
        to cause the liquid to fracture because of the negative
        pressure, causing a phenomenon known as
        cavitation. Cavitation bubbles are created at sites
        of rarefaction as the liquid fractures or tears because
        of the negative pressure of sound waves
        in the liquid. As the wave fronts pass, the cavitation
        bubbles oscillate under influence of positive
        pressure, eventually growing to an unstable size.
        Finally the violent collapse of the cavitation bubbles
        results in implosions, which causes radiation
        of shock waves from the sites of the collapse.
        The collapse and implosion of myriad cavitation
        bubbles throughout an ultrasonically activated
        liquid result in the effect commonly associated
        with ultrasound (8, 24, 25). Thus, sonochemical
        destruction of pollutants in aqueous phase
        generally occurs as the results of imploding cavitation
        bubbles and involves several reaction pathways
        and zones such as pyrolysis inside the bubble
        and/or at the bubble-liquid interface and hydroxyl
        radical- mediated reactions at the bubbleliquid
        interface and/or in the liquid bulk (26).

        IP属地:黑龙江4楼2015-04-21 22:08
          Types of acoustic cavitation

          IP属地:黑龙江5楼2015-04-21 22:12
            Advantages and disadvantages
            There are no additives introduced into the ultrasonic
            system and no by products generated by
            ultrasonic technology. Therefore, there are no anticipated
            environmental concerns associated with
            this technology (30).
            In contrast to many other processes which are
            negatively affected when suspended solids of effluent
            increase, US efficiency may even improve
            by increase of turbidity or suspended solids (31).
            Although the technology has been shown to be
            feasible on a small scale, the commercialization of
            sonolysis is still a challenge, due to the high energy
            requirement of the process (20).

            IP属地:黑龙江6楼2015-04-21 22:13
              Ultrasound applications
              In recent years, considerable interest has been
              shown in the application of ultrasound as an advanced
              oxidation process for the treatment of
              hazardous contaminants in water. Sonochemistry
              has been demonstrated as a promising method
              for the destruction of aqueous pollutants (32).
              1- Applications of ultrasound in phenolic
              effluents treatment
              Phenol is one of the most abundant pollutants in
              industrial wastewater (33). Phenol is released to
              the environment from industries such as petroleum
              refining, coal tar, steel, tanning, pesticides,
              pharmaceuticals and etc (13, 34-36). Phenol has
              attracted public attention due to its presence in
              groundwater, rivers and drinking waters (13).
              Phenol even in small quantities causes toxicity and
              foul odor to the water. Most of the countries specify maximum allowable concentration of phenol
              in effluent to be less than 1 ppm (37). Several
              treatment methods such as chemical oxidation,
              biological treatment, wet oxidation, ozonolysis and
              activated carbon adsorption have been proposed
              for the removal of phenol from industrial effluents.
              In recent years advanced oxidation processes
              (AOPs) was developed (38, 39). One of these
              technologies is photolysis. This method is based
              on supplying energy to chemical compounds as
              radiation which is absorbed by reactant molecules
              that can pass to excited states and have sufficient
              time to promote reactions (40). Direct photolysis
              has been always considered as one possible
              alternative because it is possible for molecules of
              most organic compounds to transform, to cleave
              bonds and even to undergo complete destruction
              in the presence of UV eradiation (41).
              The photolysis degradation of the phenol at different
              initial concentration in the range 1-100
              mg L-1 was investigated by (42). Fig. 2 shows the
              degradation of phenol as function of time. Time
              required for complete degradation increased from
              3 to 120 min when the initial concentration was
              increased from 1 to 100 mg/L.

              IP属地:黑龙江7楼2015-04-21 22:13
                It is clearly shown that lower pH values favored
                the phenol degradation. Degradation of phenol
                attained 94% at pH 3, 91.5% at pH 5, 71% at
                pH 9 and 62% at pH 11 (42). For photolysis of
                phenol other researcher have reported that the
                rate of degradation under acid condition were
                faster than in alkaline condition (1, 40, 43). It is
                found that D. magna is the most sensitive organism
                to phenol (44), so authors also studied
                phenol toxicity on D. magna. Results showed
                that phenol is toxic to D. magna and resulted in
                quite low LC50 values (LC50 96 h of 15.7% v/v),
                24 and 48 h LC50
                (% v/v) values ranged from
                33.1 and 19.5 for phenol and 66.5 to 42.4 for
                effluent mixture, respectively. Comparison of Toxicity
                Unit (TU) between phenol and effluent toxicity
                showed that TU value for effluent was 2.18
                times lower than that obtain to phenol (according
                to 48 h LC50). Thus, photolysis was able to
                eliminate the toxicity of by-products formed during
                the degradation of phenol (42). This reduction
                was achieved by phenol degradation and
                transformation of aromatics by-products to aliphatic
                products by ring opening reactions (45).
                Data of this study showed that bioassay can be
                used as a suitable method for evaluation of the
                efficiency of treatment procedures by ultraviolet
                waves (42).
                In other study phenol degradation was carried
                out for 5 h irradiation time. Figure 3 shows the
                variations of phenol concentration with time. Only
                13% degradation of phenol has been observed
                for 300 min sonication of 100 mg/L phenol solution

                IP属地:黑龙江8楼2015-04-21 22:14
                  The experimental data from this study fitted well
                  with first order reaction rate equation. Initial rate
                  of ultrasonic degradation was high but later it
                  reduced substantially. It demonstrated that lower
                  pH values had favored the phenol degradation.
                  The maximum and minimum efficiencies of phenol
                  degradation were determined to be 37% and
                  19% at pH valuse of 3 and 11, respectively (46).
                  Potolysis degradation of phenol at different initial
                  concentrations in the range 1-100 mg/L was
                  investigated (47). Figure 3 shows degradation
                  of phenol by the photolysis process at different
                  pH. It was clearly showed that lower pH values
                  favored the phenol degradation. The degradation
                  of phenol attained 94% at pH 3, 91.5% at
                  pH 5, 71% at pH 9 and 62% at pH 11 (47). For
                  photolysis of phenol other researchers have reported
                  that the rate of degradation under acid
                  condition was faster than that in alkaline condition
                  (1, 42, 39). In this study, ionic species of
                  phenol is predominant when pH exceeds 10.0,
                  but molecular species predominates when pH is
                  less than the pKa. Fraction in molecular state of
                  phenol was larger when pH was smaller. Therefore,
                  it has been concluded that photolysis of
                  phenol is pH dependent and increases under more
                  acidic condilioas. This might be the reason why
                  lower pH favored the ultrasonic degradation of
                  phenol (47).
                  Francony and Petrier showed that the rates of
                  reactions involving hydroxyl radicals (H202 formation
                  and phenol degradation) have a maximum
                  value at 200 kHz compared with lower and
                  higher frequencies (20, 500 and 800 kHz) (11).
                  Goel and co-workers recognizedthat decomposition
                  rates of non-volatiles were lower than volatiles
                  Study on effect of temperature revealed that the
                  destruction rate of 1, 2-DCA (dichloroethane) is
                  almost independent of temperature (in the range
                  of 15-30° C) (49).
                  Influences of various factors, such as initial pH,
                  initial phenol concentrations and kinetic constant
                  on the UV degradation of phenol have been
                  studied (42). Also, they determined LC50 of the
                  aqueous phenol solution before and after photolysis
                  (reaction by-products) using Daphnia magna
                  as the test organisms.
                  The degradation of phenol by ultrasonic equipment
                  operating at 130 kHz has been studied (50). Also
                  influences of various factors, such as initial pH
                  and initial phenol concentrations on the ultrasonic
                  degradation of phenol and LC50 of an aqueous
                  phenol solution before and after sonication
                  using Daphnia magna as the test organisms
                  were studied. Phenol degradation was for 300
                  min irradiation time. Fig. 4 shows the change in
                  concentration of phenol over time. They observed
                  that initially the rate of ultrasonic degradation of
                  phenol is high but later it reduces substantially.
                  This can be explained by the fact that whatever
                  dissolved air is present in the solution, it is degassed
                  after the initial period of sonication resulting
                  in a decrease in the amount of hydroxyl
                  radicals generated.
                  It has been reported that 96% removal for phenol
                  (Co= 100 mg L-1) by a bath UV equipment
                  during 60 min irradiation (51). Also, 92% degradation
                  for phenol has been reported (1) by
                  means of UV at 254 nm (9 W) for initial phenol
                  concentration of about 1.06x10-4 mmol L-1 during
                  60 min.
                  In other study, the effects of low frequency ultrasound
                  (20 kHz) to remove organic contaminants
                  containing aromatic compounds such as
                  phenol (100 mg/L) in presence of catalysts and
                  alone was evaluated. Results showed that phenol
                  removal is about 10% after 180 min. Also the
                  main mechanism of phenol removal is through
                  reaction with oOH. Phenol removal efficiency
                  was increased using phenton process up to 85%
                  in 120 min (52).

                  IP属地:黑龙江9楼2015-04-21 22:14
                    2- Algae removal
                    A novel method to inhibit growth of algal population
                    is application of ultrasonic irradiation. Ultrasonic
                    irradiation in a liquid medium has been
                    used for many years to lyse biological cells. Ultrasonication
                    may have the potential to reduce
                    their capacity to float and control their buoyancy
                    there by reducing their concentration near the surface
                    of water bodies and reduction their growth
                    and survival. Ultrasonication may also inhibit or
                    reduce growth of algal population through its
                    affect on metabolic processes (53). Application
                    of ultrasonic irradiation to control algal population
                    was evaluated in the laboratory conditions
                    (54) and results showed that short exposure to
                    ultrasonic irradiation collapsed algae gas vacuoles,
                    which results in loss of buoyancy and regulating
                    ability and thus localizing the cells. By 30, 60, 90,
                    120 and 150 seconds of sonication, respectively
                    8.55, 35.22, 67.22, 90.67 and 100% of the algal
                    population were destroyed. Besides, results showed
                    that increasing of sonication time has a considerable
                    effect on algal removal. Results indicate
                    that there is no significant reduction in algal population
                    in less than 30 seconds contact time to
                    42 kHz but considerable reduction in control
                    can be expected at higher periods. Experiments
                    using Bransonic bath at 42 kHz for biological
                    decontamination of water show that destruction
                    of algal population occurs rapidly. It is concluded
                    that using this frequency 100% of the algal population
                    can be destructed in 150 sec (54).

                    IP属地:黑龙江10楼2015-04-21 22:15
                      3- Nematode Removal
                      There are more than 15,000 known species of
                      roundworms and several thousands of individual
                      nematodes. Conventional water treatment processes are not highly effective in nematodes removal.
                      Nematodes are very resistant to inactivation
                      by free chlorine and can pass through rapid
                      sand filters (55). One approach nematode inactivation
                      is ultrasonic (56).
                      In a research it has been shown that exposure to
                      ultrasonic irradiation results in destruction of nematodes.
                      12 min sonication destroys 100% of the
                      nematodes. Also results show that increasing of
                      sonication time has a considerable effect on nematode
                      removal. Results also indicate that there is
                      no significant kill of nematodes in less than 8 min
                      contact time to 42 kHz, but considerable levels in
                      control can be expected at higher periods. By 2,
                      4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 minutes of sonication, respectively
                      23.75, 42.50, 53.5, 82.25, 89.25 and 100%
                      of adults are destroyed, but by 2, 4, 6 and 8 min
                      of sonication, respectively 38.0, 50.5, 58.75 and
                      100% of the larva are destroyed (57).

                      IP属地:黑龙江11楼2015-04-21 22:15
                        4- Coliform Removal
                        Results of study showed that increasing of sonication
                        time has a significant effect on bacterial
                        kill. These results also indicate that there is no
                        significant kill of fecal coliforms in less than 20
                        min contact time to 42 kHz but considerable levels
                        all in activation can be expected at higher periods.
                        When ultrasonic bath is used to sonicate
                        smaller volumes of bacteria at low frequency, there
                        is a resultant in the intensity of ultrasonic entering
                        the system. Furthermore, this study showed removal
                        efficiency in 90 min was highest. On the
                        other hand, sonication of smaller volumes results
                        in more rapid kill. Fig. 5 summarizes results of
                        these experiments. As can be seen up to 99.95%
                        reduction in bacteria concentrations were achieved
                        with the majority of these reductions found to
                        occur in the 90 min (58).

                        IP属地:黑龙江12楼2015-04-21 22:16
                          Experiments show that it is possible to decrease
                          the number of organisms present in the water and
                          that the process depends on exposure time, frequency
                          and intensity of the ultrasound irradiation,
                          as well as on the type of organisms (8).
                          Effectiveness of ultrasonic in treatment of total
                          coliforms was studied (59). Results show that increasing
                          in sonication time has considerable effect
                          on bacterial kill. Also, there is no significant
                          kill of total coliforms in less than 20 min
                          contact time to 42 kHz but considerable levels
                          of inactivation can be expected at higher periods.
                          When ultrasonic bath is used to sonicate
                          smaller volumes of bacteria at low frequency,
                          there is a resultant in the intensity of ultrasonic entering
                          the system. The highest and lowest bacteria
                          reduction after sonication for 300 mL and
                          600 mL volumes were 99.94% and zero. Also,
                          for 800 mL volumes were 99.63% and zero, respectively.
                          Furthermore, this study showed that
                          removal efficiency in 90 min was highest. On the
                          other hand, sonication of smaller volumes produced a more rapid kill. Also, up to 99.84% reduction
                          in bacteria concentration was achieved
                          with the majority of these reductions found to
                          occur in the 90 min. they concluded that sonication
                          leads to formation of dead bacterial cells or
                          selectively destroying weak bacteria.
                          It was shown that by 5, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70,
                          80, 90 min of sonication, respectively 43.75, 78.61,
                          82.71, 85.62, 97.82, 98.99, 99.29, 99.50, 99.63
                          and 99.84% of the total coliforms are destroyed.
                          Besides, the results show that increasing the sonication
                          time has a significant effect on bacterial kill.
                          Results also indicate that there is no significant
                          kill of Total Coliforms in less than 20 min contact
                          time to 42 kHz but considerable levels of
                          inactivation can be expected at higher periods.
                          When ultrasonic bath is used to sonicate smaller
                          volumes of bacteria at low frequency, there is a
                          resultant in the intensity of ultrasonic entering the
                          system. According results the highest and lowest
                          bacteria reduction after sonication for 300 ml and
                          600 ml volumes were 99.94% and zero. Also, for
                          800 ml volumes were 99.63% and zero, respectively.
                          Fig. 6 summarizes the results. As can be
                          seen, up to 99.84% reduction in bacteria concentration
                          was achieved with the majority of
                          this reduction found to occur in the 90 min.

                          IP属地:黑龙江13楼2015-04-21 22:16
                            In another research the efficacy of various advanced
                            oxidation processes based on ultraviolet
                            and ultrasound irradiation to inactivate Escherichia
                            coli in sterile water and total coliforms (TCs) in
                            biologically treated municipal wastewater has been
                            studied (60). They found that H2O2-assisted UVA/
                            TiO2 photocatalysis (9 W lamp) could generally
                            lead to nearly complete E. coli destruction
                            in 20 min with the extent of inactivation depending
                            on the photocatalyst type and loading and oxidant
                            concentration. Also Low frequency (24-80
                            kHz), high power (150-450 W) ultrasound irradiation
                            was less effective than photocatalysis requiring
                            longer contact times (i.e. 120 min) for
                            E. coli inactivation (60).

                            IP属地:黑龙江14楼2015-04-21 22:17
                              5- Organic matters
                              Results of a study show that US reduces BOD5
                              of secondary effluent, but sanitation time had no
                              considerable effect on the efficiency of this treatment.
                              Suspended BOD5 was removed completely
                              (approximately 100%), however soluble BOD5
                              was increased in some cases. Efficiency of total
                              COD removal was determined to be 17-28%. Removal
                              of suspended COD is better accomplished
                              than SCOD. In this study most of COD removal
                              was accomplished in initial sonication time and
                              removal efficiency was not much increased by
                              time. Better organics removal from secondary effluent
                              is performed at 130 kHz compared with the
                              lower frequency. Efficiency of treatment in 60 min
                              sonication at the frequency of 35 kHz was about
                              24%, but raised to about 28% at 130 kHz. H202
                              formation at 130 kHz frequency was about 2.5
                              times higher than 35 kHz. In contrast to TCOD,
                              removal efficiency of suspended COD was better
                              at 35 kHz. Figs. 7 and 8 shows summary of this
                              study (61).

                              IP属地:黑龙江15楼2015-04-21 22:17