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Konan’s deck lists for all faction combinations



IP属地:湖北1楼2015-04-22 16:35回复

    IP属地:湖北2楼2015-04-22 16:36
      AN Soulshatter
      3 Anvillon Arbiter
      3 Duskmaw, Twilight Drake
      3 Leyline Demon
      3 Cacklebones
      3 Crypt Conjurer
      2 Sorrow Maiden
      2 Xithian Direhound
      3 Epidemic
      3 Scythe of Chiron
      3 Howl of Xith
      2 Soulreap

      IP属地:湖北3楼2015-04-22 16:37
        I think the main idea from this deck comes from the so called fun-police deck – based around Anvillon Arbiter, Cacklebones and Leyline Demon. It basically tries to reduce the drawbacks of Cacklebones with the help of Anvillon Arbiter and theLeyline Demon. This deck is good against decks that play multiple cards or that build big threats – which can be taken out by Duskmaw or Cacklebones. The win condition is the Crypt Conjurer lifedrain combo with Tendrils and other Nekrium Spells. With 3 Howl of Xith this deck has an incredible reach lategame and is the only AN archetype that is quite good against the AT goodstuff deck in the current metagame. Just be aware that this deck is complicated to play and definitely not for beginners, since you need different tactics for different match-ups.
        Must-level: Cacklebones; Crypt Conjurer
        Good Match-up: AT Goodstuff (not great, but very winnable)
        Bad Match-up: UN Zoo

        IP属地:湖北4楼2015-04-22 16:38
          AN Metaminds
          3 Ghox, Metamind Paragon
          3 Drix, The Mindwelder
          3 Metamind Archivist
          3 Torrent Acolyte
          3 Ironmind Acolyte
          2 Leyline Sentry
          3 Ambriel’s Edict
          2 Lucid Echoes
          2 Leyline Demon
          3 Duskmaw, Twilight Drake
          3 Scythe of Chiron

          IP属地:湖北5楼2015-04-22 16:38
            This deck tries to build a huge board full of Metaminds and get consistency and extra cards plays by drawing additional cards. Ghox and Drix are your best friends AT is a really tough matchup and UT can be challenging as well. If your opponent can’t remove Ghox or Drix then he will get overwhelmed soon. The deck doesn’t use any of the new set 5.1 legendaries so it’s quite cheap to get for a set 5.1 archetype. The number of Ambriels Edict and Leyline Sentry can potentially be reduced and be replaced by other cards that are good for challenging matchups.
            Must-level: Ghox, Metamind Paragon; Drix, The Mindwelder
            Good Match-up: AU
            Bad Match-up: AT Goodstuff, UT Herald Bomb

            IP属地:湖北6楼2015-04-22 16:38
              Alloyin-UterraAU Moving Golems
              3 Nexus Aeronaut
              3 Relic Hunter
              3 Ironbeard, Hammer of Anvillon
              3 Leyline Sentry
              1 Steeleye Seer
              2 Oreian Justicar
              3 Ancestral Echoes
              3 Aetherphage
              3 Shardplate Behemoth
              3 Leyline Golem
              3 Dendrify

              IP属地:湖北7楼2015-04-22 16:39
                This archetype is probably one of the best archetypes against the AT Goodstuff deck. AT uses lots of movement and by playing triple Leyline Golem it gives AT a hard time. Especially Ironboard is great, because his ability also causes the movement of your opponent creatures and is an addtional source to get free Leyline Golems. On top of that this deck has 2 strong counters against decks that produces tokens or revives creatures – Oreian Justicar and Leyline Sentry. One of the drawbacks of the deck is that it can be inconsistent at times, because of all the situational cards like the Leylines, Justicar and Relic Hunter.
                Must-level: Ironbeard, Hammer of Anvillon; Nexus Aeronaut
                Good Match-up: AT Goodstuff
                Bad Match-up: some UN variants

                IP属地:湖北8楼2015-04-22 16:39
                  AU Konan Level’s
                  3 Nexus Aeronaut
                  2 Iron Maiden
                  3 Esperian Sage
                  3 Ironbeard, Hammer of Anvillon
                  3 Killion, Infinity Warden
                  3 Ambriel’s Edict
                  1 Oreian Justicar
                  3 Leyline Golem
                  3 Dendrify
                  3 Shardplate Behemoth
                  3 Malice Hermit

                  IP属地:湖北9楼2015-04-22 16:40
                    One of the coolest abilities in Solforge is to level your cards – and this deck is really good at it. This deck basically tries to slow down the game to the point where you overwhelm your opponent by slamming one level 3 after another or by ending the game with an Iron Maiden. I created this archetype myself and it’s very fun to play, but probably not the most competitive of all archetypes. To survive to player level 3 you should definitely level Malice Hermit and make extensive use ofEsperian Sage, which you can and should always use to block.
                    Must-level: Iron Maiden, Malice Hermit
                    Good Match-up: UN
                    Bad Match-up: UT

                    IP属地:湖北10楼2015-04-22 16:41
                      Alloyin-TempysAT Goodstuff
                      3 Nexus Aeronaut
                      3 Oratek Explosives
                      3 Relic Hunter
                      3 Borean Windweaver
                      3 Brimstone Tyrant
                      3 Frostmane Dragon
                      3 Oratek Battlebrand
                      3 Rage of Kadras
                      Flex Slots:
                      2 Korok, Khan of Kadras
                      2 Oreian Justicar
                      1 Scorchmane Dragon
                      1 Steeleye Seer

                      IP属地:湖北11楼2015-04-22 16:41
                        AT Goodstuff is the most legendary heavy, competitive archetype that exists since set 3. The core of the deck is Frostmane Dragon, Nexus Aeronaut, Boorean Windweaver and Brimstone Tyrant. Combine this cards with Oratek Explosives andRage of Kadras and you can often Snowball yourself to victory while keeping the board clear every turn. AT Goodstuff is really great since it can beat basically any archetype given good draws and is especially good against UT.
                        There are 4-6 flex slots – although I usually always play Korok the other cards are more situational and could be replaced. Right now I run Oreian Justicar – depending in which direction the meta shifts other cards could be better (Leyline Tyrant). Another noteworthy mention goes to Frostfang Maiden and Windspark Elemental which are both very good in the deck as well.
                        Must-level: Frostmane Dragon, Nexus Aeronaut
                        Good Match-up: Everything besides the bad matchups
                        Bad Match-up: UN Zoo, AU Moving Golems

                        IP属地:湖北12楼2015-04-22 16:41
                          Nekrium-UterraNU Zoo
                          3 Bron, Wild Tamer
                          3 Roaming Warclaw
                          3 Thundersaur
                          3 Uterradon Rex
                          (3 Shardplate Behemoth / Swampmoss Ancient)
                          3 Leyline Golem
                          3 Lysian Shard
                          3 Dendrify
                          3 Dysian Siphon
                          3 Leyline Demon

                          IP属地:湖北13楼2015-04-22 16:42
                            The archetype is simple straightforward and quite powerful against a wide range of decks. By playing both Leylines the AT matchup is quite good – especially if they don’t play Oreian Justicar. Since this archetype is also quite simple to play I can definitely recommend this to new players. I restricted the Legendary count to 9 and I don’t think the deck took a big drawback by that. Other version of the deck could include 2x Tarsus Deathweaver and 2x Immortal Echoes, which both Synergize well with the deck.
                            Against AT Thundersaur is a must level, since the have a really hard time removing buffed Thundersaurs. If AT still give you trouble you might want to add Scythe of Chiron.
                            Must-level: Bron, Wild Tamer; Thundersaur
                            Good Match-up: AT Goodstuff
                            Bad Match-up: AU Moving Golems

                            IP属地:湖北14楼2015-04-22 16:42
                              3 Malice Hermit
                              3 Shardplate Behemoth
                              3 Lysian Shard
                              2 Thundersaur
                              2 Nethershriek
                              3 Suruzal, Emissary of Varna
                              3 Tarsus Deathweaver
                              3 Spiritstone Sentry
                              3 Dysian Broodqueen
                              2 Progeny of Xith
                              2 Scythe of Chiron
                              1 Howl of Xith

                              IP属地:湖北15楼2015-04-22 16:42