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IP属地:河北1楼2015-04-24 19:39回复
    1) wesp5的unofficial patch/unofficial patch plus 这个patch我关注了6年了,一直在更新,明天更新9.3版。这个包含了官方的1.2patch,修正大量bug,添加了一些新内容,plus版添加的新内容更多一些(因此在VTMB界饱受争议,很多人认为这些新增内容破坏了游戏原有的内容已经超出了patch范畴)虽说争议很多,但是这个patch本身使得游戏的crash减少到几乎没有,游戏内容对于玩腻原版的人来说也丰富许多。个人觉得适合原版通关之后的玩家尝试。
    下载地址:patches-scrolls.de 搜索 Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines (因为这个patch作者一直都会在patches-scrolls更新的,所以授人以鱼不如授人以渔,就不上传度盘了 明明是你偷懒,还装
    2)True Patch Gold 这个patch没啥好说的,作者貌似是个热衷于各种nude patch的猥琐大叔(我是瞎猜的)patch本身就是修正bug,也包含了官方的1.2patch,除了一些贴图材质外,没有新增内容,非常适合第一次玩VTMB的玩家打上,毕竟原汁原味嘛。
    http://www.tessmage.com/download.htm (小弟弟小妹妹慎点!

    IP属地:河北4楼2015-04-24 19:52
      -VTM: The Final Nights. Very similar to the Plus version of the Unofficial patch with a few new NPCs, a few new quests and a few new mechanics, most groundbreaking of which is bloodloss overtime, it force you to hunt more and makes you feels like a real vampire. Also, some new music tracks which may or may not to your liking.
      I suggest your first time as social Salubri just to experience what your signature discipline can do.(hint:Mercurio and Heather)
      -VTMB: Antitribu. Try this if you want hardcore combat every five minutes otherwise stay away, i warned you. Also, this is potentially has the biggest list of features of all the VTMB mods but right now it feels real empty in term of contents and prone to bugs.
      Everyone plays this for Tzimisce, it's the highlight of Antitribu and maybe the most completed.
      -Clan Quest Mod. This mod is very old and don't expect the creator to update it anytime soon. It got some new, fully voice acted quest for every clans and let me tell you it's better than The final nights and Antitribu's quest combined.
      well i'm not even sure if Antitribu has any quest as of now lol.
      -Companion Mod. Also very old. It lets you persuade some NPCs to join you as companions through dialogs and miniquest. New voiced dialogs are done through splicing like what you probably seen in Team Fortress 2 funny video but here they play out very nice as if they're in the game in the first place.
      moddb的 Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines专区

      IP属地:河北5楼2015-04-24 19:53