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Fresh decks by KonanTheBarbarian

IP属地:湖北1楼2015-04-25 15:23回复
    AT Burning Winds
    3 Borean Windweaver
    3 Brimstone Tyrant
    3 Frostmane Dragon
    3 Master of Elements
    3 Relic Hunter
    2 Korok, Khan of Kadras
    2 Windspark Elemental
    3 Oratek Explosives
    3 Oratek Battlebrand
    3 Rage of Kadras
    (2 Burnout / Violent Outburst)
    The first version of the deck had Static Shock, Flamebreak Invoker and Ashurian Flamesculptor in it. After playing some games and going 3-1 twice I thought that something in the deck still didn’t feel right, I asked Turkis what he thinks about the deck. He suggested that I forget about using Static Shock and Relic Hunter in the same deck, because it is too inconsistent. Now the deck has more of the AT Goodstuff core, but is a little more burn focused. You basically try to level Master of Elements in PL1 and gain value by playing free spells with him. Apart from that Tyrant and Frostmane Dragon are your must level cards. Use Violent Outbust if you see yourself losing to Thundersaur – otherwise useBurnout.
    Must-level: Frostmane Dragon, Master of Elements
    Good Match-up: AN, UT
    Bad Match-up: AU Moving Golems, NU Tarsus

    IP属地:湖北2楼2015-04-25 15:24
      NU Tarsus
      3 Duskmaw, Twilight Drake
      3 Leyline Demon
      3 Malice Hermit
      3 Shardplate Behemoth
      3 Spiritstone Sentry
      3 Tarsus Deathweaver
      2 Leyline Golem
      2 Suruzal, Emissary of Varna
      2 Dysian Siphon
      2 Ferocious Roar
      2 Immortal Echoes
      2 Nethershriek
      There was already a similar NU list in the original article, but this version is more streamlined and probably also more competitive – that’s why I thought I had to add it to the collection. The list has a good mix of underdrops, threats, removal and cards that allow you to stay ahead in it. On top of that it is quite good against AT – which not a lot of decks can say of themselves.
      Use your creatures to force your opponent to use the side-lanes – where you can block with Spiritstone Sentry or let them open lane their creatures so that you can use Nethershriek or Duskmaw to take out threats. Tarsus is basically your threat amplifier and also makes the Leylines stronger if you can trigger them. Immortal Echoes is best played as underdrop when you have a Tarsus on the board in PL2 and beyond. There are cases when you can use it aggressively in PL1 – e.g. an early Behemoth died, but in general it is best used later. I initially had Broodqueen in the deck and replaced her with Suruzal, Emissary of Varna. Broodqueen is really good in some matchups, but can easily mess up your own Death Pile and was therefore replaced.
      Must-level: Spiritstone Sentry, Nethershriek
      Good Match-up: AT Goodstuff, AU
      Bad Match-up: NT Hate

      IP属地:湖北3楼2015-04-25 15:24
        NT Torment & Destruction
        3 Borean Windweaver
        3 Byzerak Spitemage
        3 Duskmaw, Twilight Drake
        3 Herald of Destruction
        3 Ebonskull Knight
        3 Grimgaunt Devourer
        3 Leyline Demon
        2 Sorrow Maiden
        3 Scythe of Chiron
        2 Howl of Xith
        2 Frostshatter Strike
        Have you missed the good old days, when NT Removal was among the best archetypes? Hectares took some of the traditional NT core – Grimgaunt Devourer(GGD), Ebonskull Knight and Byzerak Spitemage – and mixed it with some “Hate” cards like Herald of Destruction, Sorrow Maiden and Leyline Demon to get competitive. I could just briefly play with this deck and it was great to have the opportunity to play with some “old” friends One small piece of advice – pay attention to the matchup and don’t play GGD against AT.
        Must-level: Sorrow Maiden, Herald of Destruction
        Good Match-up: UT, some UN variants
        Bad Match-up: AT

        IP属地:湖北4楼2015-04-25 15:25
          NT Abominable Grimgaunts
          3 Abyssal Maw
          3 Byzerak Spitemage
          3 Contagion Lord
          3 Ebonbound Warlord
          3 Grimgaunt Devourer
          3 Progeny of Xith
          3 Sorrow Maiden
          3 Xithian Direhound
          2 Rot Wanderer
          2 Bitterfrost Totem
          2 Epidemic
          This deck was messaged me via PM on the forums by TrTl and is designed for the Random Queue. It is a fun and cheap deck and I think it’s great if I show other players the deck idea – even if the deck isn’t for competitive play.
          Here is what TrTl has written about the deck:
          It’s a mono Nekrium tempo/control style deck that relies on building momentum through incremental plays to shut down the opponent’s board. Basically, you set up a rhythm of constant debuffs and trades throughout the game with cards such as Abyssal Maw and Contagion Fiend. Your main threats are Sorrow Maiden, Contagion Lord and Grimgaunt Devourer.
          The constant debuffs tend to keep your Sorrow Maidens relevant throughout the game, and soften the blow against any creatures trying to take out your Grimgaunts or Lords. Typically, the worst of these is Grimgaunt if you haven’t been able to establish rhythm. However, Lord into Maiden on the same turn, or even across two consecutive turns, is very disruptive, especially considering that there is an abundance of support for each card given proper planning and piloting.
          This is a budget, thematic deck birthed from a need to just play something different in the random queues. As such, it suffers from the same problems that unpopular/less powerful archetypes face and that is simply a lack of heroic/legendary support. However, I think it fits well in the random queue meta because it is something that not many people run. It combines the best qualities of control and tempo decks to cover the weaknesses of each and allow their strengths to shine. Honestly, I feel very proud to run this deck through the queue because it wins and loses in a very fun way, is budget friendly, and has the potential to really grow with future card releases.
          Must-level: Grimgaunt Devourer, Sorrow Maiden, Contagion Lord
          Good Match-up: Slow decks
          Bad Match-up: Tier 1 decks

          IP属地:湖北5楼2015-04-25 15:26

            IP属地:美国6楼2015-04-27 10:23

              IP属地:湖北7楼2015-05-12 13:08
                A/U Malicious Gnomes

                3 Esperian Sage
                3 Ironmind Acolyte
                3 Malice Hermit
                3 Relic Hunter
                3 Shardplate Behemoth
                2 Aetherphage
                1 Ambriel Archangel
                3 Ambriel’s Edict
                3 Dendrify
                3 Lucid Echoes
                2 Energy Surge
                1 Ferocious Roar

                IP属地:湖北8楼2015-05-12 13:09
                  This is a more competitive variant of the AU Level deck that I posted in the main article. You level your Surges and yourMalice Hermit and try to survive until your Ironmind Acolytes and lvl3 cards let you recover. This variant of the deck is from Steric and Stautmeister also created a very similar version – I don’t take any credit for it. Check this deck out if you like leveling cards.
                  Must-level: Energy Surge
                  Good Match-up:
                  Bad Match-up: AN Soulshatter, UT Herald Bomb

                  IP属地:湖北9楼2015-05-12 13:09
                    A/T Shockfinity

                    3 Master of Elements
                    3 Ironmind Acolyte
                    2 Metamind Adept
                    1 Ambriel Archangel
                    3 Ambriel’s Edict
                    3 Burnout
                    3 Energy Surge
                    3 Perilous Insight
                    3 Static Shock
                    2 Lucid Echos
                    2 Metatransfer
                    2 Nanoswarm
                    2 Oratek Battlebrand

                    IP属地:湖北10楼2015-05-12 13:09
                      I thought I would give this deck some more visibility – Stautmeister came up with this fun brew and it’s quite competitive for a combo deck. That’s what he wrote about it on the forums:
                      As an ode to the now nearly dead Kitfinity, which based itself around a one turn kill combo, I have been brewing for a new one turn kill deck. This is what I came up with:
                      The theory of the deck. You have 9(+) cards with Overload.
                      3 Gnomes that draw 1 card
                      3 Energy Surges that draw 3 cards each.
                      This means if you play all your Overload cards and are capable of having a 21 card hand you win.
                      How do you get there?
                      We have 12 card draw for free, 3 Surges/3 Gnomes.
                      We can draw 3 cards with a Level 3 Adept bringing us to 14 (discard pool gets card you don’t want to draw).
                      This means you need to have a 7 card hand to get infinite.
                      Cards you need to have leveled:
                      1 Static Shock to Level 3
                      3 Energy Surges to Level 3
                      1 Metamind Adept to Level 3
                      1 Lucid Echoes l2/3
                      Played 9 Overload cards.
                      In general you will reach these conditions in 3.2, 3.3 or 3.4
                      You can take out a Metatransfer and/or 2 and add 2 War Machines if you want more Overload cards.
                      How do you win? You achieve the above conditions and don’t die. If you do this you will be able to cast Static Shock level 3 into Energy Surge, repeat. I have done this on stream and it’s possible. It takes some time to get the deck down, but when it does the feeling is amazing.
                      Must levels: Master of Elements + Energy Surges. You can drop some Overload cards through your Masters, but realize you are going to need 9 plays to get there. It’s hard and requires you to make absolutely stupid plays sometimes.
                      It is not about winning, it is about winning in style.
                      Nothing says, Get Rekt!, like casting 25 Static Shocks Level 3 for a victory!
                      Pion playing the deck:…../c/6619633
                      Must-level: Energy Surge, Metamind Adept
                      Good Match-up: AT Goodstuff, slow decks
                      Bad Match-up: AN Soulshatter, UT Herald Bomb

                      IP属地:湖北11楼2015-05-12 13:10
                        AN Maiden’s Touch

                        3 Ebonbound Warlord
                        3 Nexus Aeronaut
                        3 Relic Hunter
                        3 Sorrow Maiden
                        3 Uriel Ironwing
                        2 Steeleye Seer
                        3 Epidemic
                        3 Scythe of Chiron
                        2 Soulreap
                        2 Bitterfrost Token
                        2 Metasculpt
                        1 Howl of Xith

                        IP属地:湖北12楼2015-05-12 13:10
                          I got this deck from Siobhanna, who wrote me a PM on the forums. There is aforum thread about the deck if you want to read more about it.
                          The deck revolves around the good Maiden, and bringing foes into range for her. All the shrink, along with Scouts give her slightly better survivability. The original post sums up the philosophy of the deck pretty well. Uriel is probably the weak link, but he’s such a good Scythe target, and a beast on top of Scout, so he stays for now (in my humble build, at least).
                          Good matchups are Heraldbomb, grow wide, Ghox based decks. AT depends lot on how often Explosives come down…
                          Bad matchups are U decks that use Shard and Behemoth (Behemoth sucks – he’s immune to Scythe and Uriel, hence the Metasculpt!), any deck that is super explosive in R1 (this deck really purrs in R2).
                          Must-level: Sorrow Maiden, Nexus Aeronaut
                          Good Match-up: UT Herald Bomb
                          Bad Match-up: AT Goodstuff

                          IP属地:湖北13楼2015-05-12 13:10
                            NU Wegu
                            3 Crypt Conjurer
                            3 Duskmaw, Twilight Drake
                            3 Oros, Deepwood’s Chosen
                            3 Shardplate Behemoth
                            3 Wegu the Ancient
                            3 Epidemic
                            3 Howl of Xith
                            3 Immortal Echoes
                            3 Scythe of Chiron
                            3 Vyric’s Embrace

                            IP属地:湖北14楼2015-05-12 13:11
                              Fresh decks???? I know this deck has been around forever and nearly everyone hates this deck, because it is so frustrating to lose against it. But it’s still part of the meta and refuses to die (in a fire). You have the lifegain engine with Crypt Conjurer and Duskmaw + Nekrium Spells and use it to let your Wegu grow out of control. I should also note that you should definitely value Scythe of Chiron quite highly as well. The lvl2 cast on an Oros can turn the entire game around if things get out of control. The best deck against Wegu is still AT Goodstuff – an early lvl2 Wegu can turn the game around against AT, but otherwise this matchup is really hard.
                              Good Match-up: UT Herald Bomb
                              Bad Match-up: AT Goodstuff

                              IP属地:湖北15楼2015-05-12 13:11