具体解决办法 以前只开过pc端的服 第一次接触pe服务器 我这什么情况 [PocketMine] Server is starting...
[PocketMine] Server was started.
[Server] 15:31:46 [WARNING] Timezone could not be automatically determined. An incorrect timezone will result in incorrect timestamps on console logs. It has been set to "UTC" by default. You can change it on the php.ini file.
[Server] 15:31:46 [CRITICAL] pthreads >= 2.0.9 is required, while you have 2.0.8.
[Server] 15:31:46 [CRITICAL] Please use the installer provided on the homepage, or recompile PHP again.
[PocketMine] Server was stopped.
[PocketMine] Server was started.
[Server] 15:31:46 [WARNING] Timezone could not be automatically determined. An incorrect timezone will result in incorrect timestamps on console logs. It has been set to "UTC" by default. You can change it on the php.ini file.
[Server] 15:31:46 [CRITICAL] pthreads >= 2.0.9 is required, while you have 2.0.8.
[Server] 15:31:46 [CRITICAL] Please use the installer provided on the homepage, or recompile PHP again.
[PocketMine] Server was stopped.