Lilith Fair, Dont Care 型
【2】说道90年代的风格,牛仔短裤,马丁靴,超大款法兰绒格子衫,但是千万不要认为”其他的一两个音乐节上我已经这样穿过了”。这些搭配的原因如下:1. 管它搭配了多少遍,就是!喜欢!2. 这种层次感的叠加可以让你无论在跳舞中,猫步中,还是调情中都能游刃有余, 就是!这么应景的百搭!
Speaking of the ’90s, nothing says “I’ve been to a festival or two in my day” like denim shorts, Doc Martin’s, and an oversized flannel. I love this look because 1. It’s literally what I dreamed I would wear to Lilith Fair circa ‘97 and 2. It has layers to support dancing, walking, and flirting. If the day is already off to a breezy start? Put on some tights (preferably ripped) and stuff them in your backpack if you warm up.