Come on back (come on back), let’s [], let’s [] for video.Alright. We have Al van der Beek - Music writer & Producer, Tel Stewart - Videographer & Editor, Paul Anderson - Videographer & Video producer. This next song [grows up] our YouTube Fans. We’ll not be here - Without You. 《Without You》 It’s so great to be here - Red Butte - tonight and [follow the whole crowd]. Thank so much for come. It is good []. 《Rolling in the Deep》
Thank you. Beethoven is such an amazing composer.He inspired me when I was a kid and he still inspires me today. And I think about the great irony - [that he’d hit the fact, that he’d gone death]. And he told us all:Do not just practice our Art, But Force our way into its Secrets. So enjoy us now please as we present Beethoven’s 5 Secrets, and a film of our own. 《Beethoven’s 5 Secrets》
《Code Name: Bourne Vivaldi》 Thank you. Now you can see why are we so excited about classical music when I was a kid. That is a classical piece of music that called [《Double Cello Can Chat》] by Vivaldi.
曲目顺序 1.What Makes You Beautiful 2.Without You 3.Rolling in the Deep 4.Beethoven's 5 Secrets 5.Code Name (: Bourne) Vivaldi 6.Cello Wars 7.A Thousand Years 8.(Somewhere) Over the Rainbow / Simple Gifts 9.Bring Him Home 10.The Cello Song 11.Titanium / Pavane 12.All of Me 13.Waterfall 14.Can't Help Falling in Love