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IP属地:广东通过百度相册上传1楼2015-05-13 12:06回复
    【NA】GV.Saintvicious 退休(13年全明星NA打野)

    Team Gravity's Brandon "Saintvicious" DiMarco has just announced that he may be retiring, via his social media account on Monday.
    The LCS veteran is currently the jungler for Team Gravity and, most recently, helped his team finish fifth in the NA LCS with an overall record of 10-8.
    DiMarco has been a part of the competitive League of Legends scene for a very long time, breaking into the competitive scene through Team SoloMid back in 2011. He later went on to play for several notable teams such as Counter Logic Gaming, Team Curse, and (formerly Curse Academy) Team Gravity.
    With the apparent departure of DiMarco, the Gravity lineup will be as follows:
    Kevin "Hauntzer" Yarnell
    Lae-Young "Keane" Jang
    David "Cop" Roberson
    Michael "Bunny FuFuu" Kurylo

    IP属地:广东2楼2015-05-13 12:06

      After weeks of speculation as to who was going to replace Cloud9’ retired mid-laner Hai "Hai" Lam is now over; Cloud9 have officially announced that Nicolaj “Incarnati0n” Jensen will be joining the team for the next competitive League Championship Series split. Jensen fought off competition from other candidates, including the Cloud9 Tempest player David “Yusui” Bloomquist, who will remain with the organisation.
      After the Daily Dot originally reported that the Danish player was in line to replace Lam at the start of April, Jensen had been subject to a lengthy try-out period to see if he could fit into the Cloud9 set-up. It didn’t take him long to impress, according to the team’s analyst Charlie Lipsie.
      “I think that out of the players that we tried out, Jensen had the most raw talent,” he told the Daily Dot. “And I can see him becoming the best mid laner in NA. One of the things I was impressed with was Jensen’s drive to do whatever the team needs to succeed. He also seems to be fearless… He flew around the world to join us and has been willing to dive into anything we ask for.”
      For Jensen, this is the latest chapter in what has proven to be a long story. After being served with an indefinite ban in January 2013, the player has remained steadfast in his efforts to become a professional player. He earned accolades as a coach during his time with SK Gaming, being part of the set-up that saw the team go to the World Championship finals before a rule change meant he wouldn't be able to attend those finals himself. Since then, he's never wavered in his belief he would be given another chance, and has consistently passed each of the behavioral checks Riot has conducted.
      He's more than aware this next chapter won’t be easy one, however. Few players will be receiving the level of attention or generating the level of expectation he will. He acknowledged this himself in a conversation with the Daily Dot.
      “Given my past mistakes,” he says “I'm looking to be a better teammate and to continue being confident in my own individual performance as well. I'm hoping to carry that confidence into the team without touching the infrastructure of how Cloud9 works.”
      He also paid tribute to Hai, who will now be part of the organisation’s management. “In regards to replacing [him], I want to mention that we have very different playstyles and serve different roles on the team. We aren't very comparable as players but I know what he did was special for the team.”
      As special as that contribution was, the team’s fans will be hoping for their new foreign import, the first change made to the Cloud9 roster since May 2013, will be able to power them to their first LCS split win in a year. The Summer Split begins in less than a month.
      Image via Cloud9

      IP属地:广东4楼2015-05-13 12:26

        IP属地:广东5楼2015-05-13 12:58
          【?】前Azubu Blaze的上路Reapered将会回归LOL,并表示会在S5的世界赛跟大家见面。

          IP属地:广东9楼2015-05-13 13:21

            IP属地:江苏10楼2015-05-13 14:10

              IP属地:浙江来自Android客户端11楼2015-05-13 14:22
                【LPL】Dada777正式加入Team WE

                正式加入Team WE电子竞技俱乐部英雄联盟分部,今后他将会以“WE.SunnGoo”的ID代表我们参加各大英雄联盟项目比赛 。
                    WE英雄联盟分部(WE.League of Legends):
                    cn WE.Aluka 彭震铭(Top)【队长】
                    kr WE.Spirit 이다윤 李多允(Jungle)
                    kr WE.Ninja 노건우 鲁建宇(Mid)
                    cn WE.sukiM 陈智远(Mid)
                    cn WE.xiye 苏汉伟(Mid)
                    kr WE.Mystic 진성준 阵圣俊(AD)
                    cn WE.Styz 屈梓良(AD)
                    cn WE.Conan 柯宜(Support)
                    cn WE.SunnGoo 方虹日(Support)
                    cn WE.YuZhe 张哲(Support)
                  WEF英雄联盟分部(WE Future.ZhanQiTV.League of Legends):
                    cn WEF.ZhanQiTV.957 柯昌宇(Top)【队长】
                    kr WEF.ZhanQiTV.Khan 김동하 金东和(Top)
                    kr WEF.ZhanQiTV.OldB 양승빈 杨圣彬(Jungle)
                    cn WEF.ZhanQiTV.Tianz 吕坤(Jungle)
                    cn WEF.ZhanQiTV.Naranja 马超(Mid)
                    cn WEF.ZhanQiTV.PentaQ 徐铭枢(AD)
                    cn WEF.ZhanQiTV.Dx 涂杨(Support)
                    cn WEF.ZhanQiTV.Savoki 金灏(Support)

                IP属地:广东12楼2015-05-13 22:15
                  【LPL】YuZhe、Khan加入Positive Energy

                  今天,经过双方友好协商,原Team WE电子竞技俱乐部英雄联盟分部选手张哲( WE.YuZhe)以及原Team WE电子竞技俱乐部WEF英雄联盟分部选手김동하( WEF.ZhanQiTV.Khan以转会形式转出至 Positive Energy电子竞技俱乐部。感谢两位队员为Team WE所付出的一切,希望他们在新的俱乐部中取得更多好成绩!
                  WE英雄联盟分部(WE.League of Legends):
                  WE.Aluka 彭震铭(Top)【队长】
                       WE.Spirit 이다윤 李多允(Jungle)
                       WE.Ninja 노건우 鲁建宇(Mid)
                       WE.sukiM 陈智远(Mid)
                       WE.xiye 苏汉伟(Mid)
                       WE.Mystic 진성준 阵圣俊(AD)
                       WE.Styz 屈梓良(AD)
                       WE.Conan 柯宜(Support)
                       WE.SunnGoo 方虹日(Support)
                    WEF英雄联盟分部(WE Future.ZhanQiTV.League of Legends):
                       WEF.ZhanQiTV.957 柯昌宇(Top)【队长】
                       WEF.ZhanQiTV.OldB 양승빈 杨圣彬(Jungle)
                       WEF.ZhanQiTV.Tianz 吕坤(Jungle)
                       WEF.ZhanQiTV.Naranja 马超(Mid)
                       WEF.ZhanQiTV.PentaQ 徐铭枢(AD)
                       WEF.ZhanQiTV.Dx 涂杨(Support)
                       WEF.ZhanQiTV.Savoki 金灏(Support)

                  IP属地:广东17楼2015-05-14 01:13
                    【LCK】 Longzhu-IM队伍变动
                    原CJ Entus ADC Roar加入,原Winterfox辅助IgNar加入,原辅助TusiN转打野。

                    It has been reported by Fomos reporter Kenzi that Longzhu-IM have signed sought after Challenger support amateur IgNar.

                    Primarily a Thresh and Blitzcrank player on ladder during the 2015 season, IgNar was rumored to be joining the NA LCS' Winterfox for the Spring season. After he didn't sign and WFX picked up Jang "Imagine" Hyeon-su, IgNar sat out the the first half of the 2015 pro circuit.
                    With IgNar's reported move to Incredible Miracle, starting support Bak "TusiN" Jong-ik will reportedly be moving to the jungler position, making him the third LCK veteran along with CJ Entus' Ambition and KT Rolster's Score to switch from their known starting position to the jungler role. TusiN is currently sixth on the Korean Challenger ladder, his most played jungle champion being Lee Sin with 39 games played during Season 5.
                    Along with their roster changes, Incredible Miracle were recently sponsored by Longzhu TV, a Chinese streaming site that showcases video games. With the change, their name has become Longzhu-IM (Incredible Miracle) and their players are going under the "Longzhu" tag online instead of the familiar IM.
                    The new LZ-IM will have their first matches during the Champions Korea Summer 2015 Qualifiers, playing against Season 1 Challenger champions Anarchy and Season 2 Challenger champions Winners with the top two teams from the group advancing into the upcoming season.
                    LilacJeon Ho-jin (전호진)Top
                    AppleJeong Cheol-Woo (정철우)Top
                    TuSinBak Jong-ik (박종익)Jungle
                    FrozenKim Tae-il (김태일)Mid
                    S0NSTARSon Seung-ik (손승익)AD
                    RoarOh Jang-won (오장원)AD
                    IgNarLee Dong-Guen (이동근)Support

                    IP属地:广东21楼2015-05-14 13:53


                      IP属地:广东22楼2015-05-14 14:19

                        来自Android客户端23楼2015-05-14 14:50

                            经过友好协商,原KX.H电竞俱乐部ADC选手许昊以转会的形式正式加盟Vici Gaming电子竞技俱乐部旗下英雄联盟天喔战队,许昊将会在队内担任ADC位置,并以VGtenwowEndless的ID代表VG天喔战队出席各大赛事。
                            原VG.P电竞经俱乐部LOL分部中单选手皮孝轩以转会的形式正式加盟Vici Gaming电子竞技俱乐部旗下英雄联盟天喔战队,皮孝轩将在队内担任ADC位置,并以VGtenwowXuan的ID代表VG天喔战队出席各大赛事,特此公告
                            VG tenwow阵容名单:

                          IP属地:广东25楼2015-05-14 22:34