I found several blog with John in them but I wasn't able to post the links. When I tried my posts were deleted. , why? I send you the photos to enjoy from these blogs anyway...
I have only seen the first two pictures; the rest are really surprises! Thank you! From whose blog did you find them? I think No.3-5 are they were casting for Kangxi 5, right?
photos n°3,4,5 are from the blog of the young man sitting beside John. I think they where casting actors for the TV drama. n°6 here the text associated to the picture 结束了【栗原小卷电影回顾展】翌日,在华亭宾馆巧遇尊龙先生,这位在奥斯卡得奖片(最佳音乐奖坂本龙一)【末代皇帝】中饰演溥仪的华裔演员正好在上影拍摄【上海1930】,他去华亭看望住在那里下榻的美国大导演斯皮尔伯格(代表作【辛德勒名单】、【侏罗纪公园】),后者正好在上海拍摄【太阳帝国】。 而我和谢导、栗原正好在华亭26楼用餐后下楼,就与尊龙巧遇在电梯里。我觉眼熟,但没想到是尊龙。而尊龙一眼就认出了谢导! “谢导您好!我是尊龙,演【末代皇帝】的”,尊龙主动自我介绍到。 谢导耳背,一时没听明白。我一下醒悟过来,怪不得这么眼熟。因为,【末代皇帝】当年全球公演,好评如潮,尊龙也应主演溥仪而声名鹊起。 “谢导,这位是尊龙,演溥仪的!”我大声在谢导耳边说到。 谢导一听,十分高兴,使劲地握了握尊龙伸出的手。谢导特别心细,马上介绍了身边的栗原,而当听到眼前的这位丽质演员就是日本影片【望乡】的主演时,尊龙也十分高兴,并说看过【望乡】,实在太感人了。