50Cent从不掩饰对渣渣的喜爱和厚望!!在最近一次the daily beast 采访中,50分就签约渣渣的问题说道“他很性感,渣渣很性感,我们还没正式认识一下,但是我很喜欢这个主意(指签约渣渣),他很性感,这不是开玩笑。”
早在今年3月份,渣渣还未正式离开破团时,50分就曾表示过自己很想签约渣渣并把他打造成一名说唱歌手,(详见 http://tieba.baidu.com/p/3646670340?share=9105&fr=share)
50 Cent sure has a lot to say about Zayn Malik lately. Just before Zayn announced he was leaving One Direction, 50 weighed in - after he quit, the rapper sounded off again. Looks like he's not through with giving his opinion about Zayn, but then again, he keeps getting asked about the former One Direction singer.
Still, given all the attention he's given Zayn, it sounds like he's definitely interested in working with him.50 recently told The Daily Beast that he "likes the idea" of signing Zayn, saying, "He's hot. Zayn's hot. I haven't met with him yet, but I like the idea. He is hot, man. He's no joke."
That's a lot of "hot" right there.
50 Cent recently compared Zayn to Justin Timberlake, telling MTV: "His vision on his own is always different from what it is in the group. Like Justin Timberlake, as Justin Timberlake, away from the group - it's a lot of potential."
早在今年3月份,渣渣还未正式离开破团时,50分就曾表示过自己很想签约渣渣并把他打造成一名说唱歌手,(详见 http://tieba.baidu.com/p/3646670340?share=9105&fr=share)
50 Cent sure has a lot to say about Zayn Malik lately. Just before Zayn announced he was leaving One Direction, 50 weighed in - after he quit, the rapper sounded off again. Looks like he's not through with giving his opinion about Zayn, but then again, he keeps getting asked about the former One Direction singer.
Still, given all the attention he's given Zayn, it sounds like he's definitely interested in working with him.50 recently told The Daily Beast that he "likes the idea" of signing Zayn, saying, "He's hot. Zayn's hot. I haven't met with him yet, but I like the idea. He is hot, man. He's no joke."
That's a lot of "hot" right there.
50 Cent recently compared Zayn to Justin Timberlake, telling MTV: "His vision on his own is always different from what it is in the group. Like Justin Timberlake, as Justin Timberlake, away from the group - it's a lot of potential."