Yabusame 流镝马 is a type of [url]http://mounted archery[/url] in traditional [url]http://Japanese archery[/url]. An archer on a running horse shoots three special "turnip-headed" http://arrows successively at three wooden targets.
This style of archery has its origins at the beginning of the [url]http://Kamakura period[/url]. [url]http://Minamoto no Yoritomo[/url] became alarmed at the lack of archery skills his samurai had. He organized yabusame as a form of practice.
Nowadays, the best places to see yabusame performed are at the [url]http://Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gū[/url] in http://Kamakura and [url]http://Shimogamo Shrine[/url] in http://Kyoto (during [url]http://Aoi Matsuri[/url] in early May). It is also performed in http://Samukawa and on the beach at http://Zushi, as well as other locations.