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作为NCR吧吧主,我有必要给大家普及一下关于New California Republic(新加州共和国)的历史,那么现在,请耐心的听我讲完。【一部分来自维基百科,由我翻译后展现出来(中英双语)】

来自iPhone客户端1楼2015-07-04 22:55回复
    NCR的领地涉及内华达州,俄勒冈州,墨西哥(南下),并沿科罗拉多河。 NCR强调并声称支持旧世界的价值观,如民主,个人自由和法治。它还努力恢复废土,改善和基础设施,经济发展制度和在公民之间基本的平与秩序。虽然看似他们的治理是仁慈的实体,在他们的控制区内声称他们在保护土地,很多人质疑他们统治阶级的真实度,和他们的政治系统中的普遍的腐败也对他们的能力提出了很多质疑,然而NCR并没有一个明确的回应。(如果有翻译错误还请见谅,下面是英文版)

    5楼2015-07-04 23:41
      in Nevada, Oregon, Mexico (Baja) and along the Colorado River. The NCR emphasizes and claims to support a myriad of old world values, such as democracy, personal liberty, and the rule of law. It also strives to restore the general order of the wasteland, the improvement and development of infrastructure and economic systems, and a basic common peace between the people. Though appearing to be a benevolent entity of governance, the ability to control the land it claims to protect, the fidelity of those who live under their rule, and the widespread corruption within their political system has been questioned by many, without a clear response by the NCR themselves.

      6楼2015-07-04 23:41
        The majority of the NCR populace is made up of farmers, travelling merchants and poor settlers seeking protection from the dangers of the post-apocalyptic world - a luxury usually only available to the rich and powerful. In exchange for their protection, the NCR classes them as a 'citizen' and collects taxes from them which is mostly used on the military to arm, train, and supply their troops. Citizenship can be given to entire settlements and put under NCR jurisdiction if requested, however this practice is controversial in the Mojave due to rumors of the NCR supposedly bullying weaker settlements and incorporating them against their will.
        The NCR enforces strict rules upon their citizens and in their cities: crimes across the Mojave are typically punished by death. Openly carrying arms, prostitution, gambling, and slavery are not permitted within NCR city limits. Persons found under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be arrested. Despite government playing a large part in the daily lives of citizen, the NCR is not authoritarian and is generally liberal towards people who commit minor crimes.
        Policing (both civilian and military) in the fringes of NCR territory and outside of it is usually of poor quality however - this is evident as off-duty NCR troopers that seek entertainment on The Strip can be witnessed drunk and hint to have been gambling or using prostitutes. A notable trait of the New California Republic, often to the annoyance of its citizens, is the government's tendency to be overly bureaucratic and giving power to those of an important background rather than by ability. As a lot of the power is invested in particular individuals in the cities back west, citizens at the frontier regions often feel like they are not listened to and are forgotten about.

        8楼2015-07-05 00:06
          该NCR的军队是由几个部门,包括射手,侦察兵,机械化部队和少量“飞鸟”直升机的。此外,许多主要城市的都有全副武装的警察巡逻。他们有一个特种部队:新加州游骑兵,那就是承诺保护弱者很像老德州游骑兵的人的组织。游骑兵据说在整个废土有许多安全住所,他们用这些基地在NCR领土以外(通常在北)和奴隶贩子战斗。正如预期的那样,两个实力互相仇视与碰撞。 NCR也是在其行动范围内的主要中心,负责执行NCR在整个共和国的法律,并且成为骑警趋势。食尸鬼,超级变种,和人类都可以服役于NCR的军队。 NCR获得了少量的Vertibirds(“飞鸟”直升机)在他们的战斗中比如与英克雷在纳瓦罗,还有钢铁兄弟会。

          10楼2015-07-05 00:19
            The NCR's military is composed of several Divisions, including marksmen, scouts, mechanized units and a small number of Vertibirds. In addition, many of their major cities are protected and patrolled by heavily armed police officers. One of their Special Forces units consists of the New California Rangers, a select group that is pledged to protect the people of the Wastes much like the Texas Rangers of old.
            The Rangers are said to have numerous safehouses throughout the wastes, and they use these to strike at slavers outside of NCR territory (usually in the North). As expected, the two groups hate each other with a passion.
            NCR was also in the habit of establishing marshals in the major population centers in their territories, responsible for enforcing the laws of NCR throughout the Republic. Ghouls, super mutants, and humans were all known to serve in the NCR armed forces. The NCR gained access to a limited number of Vertibirds from their battle with the Enclave over Navarro, along with the Brotherhood of Steel.
            Although diverse, the NCR military is mostly composed of their regular troopers who are characterized by their tan uniform, wide-brimmed helmet, goggles and armed with a standard service rifle. These soldiers are the image often associated with the NCR and are commonly seen in both pro and anti NCR propaganda.

            11楼2015-07-05 00:20
              NCR的成长和成功,由于他们的的权力和影响力的威胁,钢铁兄弟会发动军事行动以逼迫NCR和回收技术,他们认为在NCR还没有完全壮大。但在战争后期,NCR最终占上风,迫使兄弟会节节败退,并藏了起来。 NCR已经打败了强大的对手,但这是有代价的。他们的黄金储备在战争初期被大量消耗和被破坏,共和国不能继续弥补他们与兄弟会之间的战争带来的经济损失,除非获得更多的领地。
              NCR最初在莫哈韦荒原获得巨大的成功,建立了几个基地。在NCR和凯撒军团之间发生新的冲突的转移向科罗拉多河。强大的军团在第一次胡佛大坝之战中击退NCR。 NCR被迫撤退,但NCR引诱军队进入陷阱:博尔德城,那里面放满了炸药,使的NCR能够夺回大坝。军团失败之后,军团定期对科罗拉多州的西侧进行突击,甚至创造在三叶湾的永久基地,并洗劫像尼普顿和纳尔逊城镇与来吸引NCR的注意力。

              12楼2015-07-05 00:44
                NCR在22世纪与各地的贸易使用金币的形式上创建自己的货币。瓶盖是在这个时候没用,那是因为NCR币在那时候有黄金储备,但已经改变了,钢铁兄弟会破坏了黄金储备在2281年使得 NCR的贬值,转化率降低到2.5NCR兑换一个瓶盖。

                13楼2015-07-05 00:49
                  he NCR created its own currency in the form of gold coins around the turn of the 22nd century. Bottle caps were useless at this time due to the gold reserves of the NCR. This changed when the Brotherhood of Steel destroyed the gold reserves in 2281. The NCR dollar devalued and the conversion rate lowered to 2.5 NCR dollars to one cap.

                  14楼2015-07-05 00:52

                    来自iPhone客户端15楼2015-07-05 09:51

                      来自iPhone客户端16楼2015-07-08 11:54

                        IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端18楼2021-08-04 20:33