"Return Match" (2014) Directed by Kim Yong-wan, Sun Jong-hoon With Lee Ji-hoon-I, Jeong Yeon-joo-I, Yoo Soon-woong, Kim Hyeong-wook, Heo Ji-won, Sin Hye-seon,... Synopsis The love match up between a weakling boy and a strong beauty begins! Han Oh-ki is a weakling. One day, he is working out to become a real man, when multi-sportswoman Chae-in saves him from cramps at the swimming pool. He falls in love with her at first sight and tells her how he feels when they get close. However, he's nothing but a helpless younger brother to her and gets rejected. Oh-ki is mad and challenges her to a sports race and if he wins, she has to acknowledge him as a man... Read more at: