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Good Charlotte? The Hornetsand the Sliding Scale of NBA Mediocrity

IP属地:上海1楼2015-08-06 14:24回复
    Some members of Charlotte’s front office likedthe Boston deal, but Michael Jordan, the team’s owner and ultimatedecision-maker, preferred Kaminsky to a pile of first-rounders outside thelottery, per several sources. That’s justifiable, if you think your guy at no.9 has a chance at stardom. The talent gap between no. 9 and no. 15 is real; askBoston how it felt to squeeze into the playoffs, get demolished by a Cavs teamin chill mode, and watch Justise Winslow fall right where it could havepicked had it won three fewer games.

    IP属地:上海4楼2015-08-06 14:25
      Team higher-ups defend taking Kaminsky overany draft-day trade package — even after acquiring Spencer Hawes, anothershooting big man.

      IP属地:上海8楼2015-08-06 14:26
        Some of this doesn’t quite hold up. Charlottehad 12 players on its roster before picking Kaminsky, meaning it couldhave drafted two players and still had room to sign either Jeremy Lin or TylerHansbrough — both of whom are in Charlotte on great contracts, by the way. Awell-prepared front office has enough intel on every first-round prospect tomake snap decisions in the heat of the draft. Cho and his staff have the goodsto pivot.

        IP属地:上海12楼2015-08-06 14:27
          But Batum can be a free agent after thisseason, meaning the Hornets might have sacrificed Vonleh, still just 19, for arental.

          IP属地:上海15楼2015-08-06 14:28
            “Sure, there’s risk,” Cho says. “If Nic werein his thirties, I could see how people might be skeptical. You try to balancewinning now with winning later, and we felt trading for Nic gave us the best ofboth worlds.”

            IP属地:上海16楼2015-08-06 14:28
              But those situations are different. Anthonyand Williams went to mega-markets they wanted to play in. Love landed on atitle contender. Kanter and Jackson were restricted free agents, meaning theteams that acquired them knew they could have them for a half-decade.

              IP属地:上海18楼2015-08-06 14:29
                Batum is an impending unrestricted free agenton a borderline playoff team, diving into an unprecedented cap frenzy in whichtwo-dozen suitors could offer $20 million per season. Batum’s people havealready made noise about how much Batum would like to play in Toronto, a citythat appeals to his international roots, per several league sources. He is aflight risk, even though both Cho and Chad Buchanan, the team’s assistant GM,know Batum well from their days in Portland. “We are very comfortable giventhat Chad and Rich know Nic well,” Polk says.
                巴图姆是一名独立的全完自由球员,而且未来的工资帽空间会很高,以至于两打球队能够提供出两千万的薪水。巴图姆的团队也在不同暗示巴图姆可能愿意在多伦多打球,多伦多是一个追求国际化的城市,联盟中消息证实这一点。他是一个很大的风险,甚至总经理Cho和副总经理Chad Buchanan在波特兰的时候就很了解巴图姆。“我们对于Chad和Cho了解巴图姆感到放心”Polk说。

                IP属地:上海20楼2015-08-06 14:29
                  “We’ve seen over the last few years thatplayers want to be here,” Cho says. “Free agents want to come here.”

                  IP属地:上海21楼2015-08-06 14:29
                    They may face the same choice with AlJefferson, who can barely get through a season on one leg. Lose both, andCharlotte will be back almost where it started when Jordan bought theteam.

                    IP属地:上海23楼2015-08-06 14:30
                      Charlotte stripped away Tyson Chandler, GeraldWallace, Boris Diaw (fat version), Raymond Felton (skinny-ish version), andStephen Jackson in a painful two-year teardown that culminated in the AnthonyDavis lottery — which Charlotte lost. The team was hemorrhaging money, andJordan decided it was time to veer off one path and lunge onto another.The Hornets splurged on Al Jefferson, and emerged in 2013-14 as afeel-good playoff team behind expert coaching and career seasons fromJefferson, Josh McRoberts, and others.

                      IP属地:上海26楼2015-08-06 14:30
                        Charlotte had scraped out a path to relevancyin the weak East. The Hornets would never entice LeBron or even Lovein free agency, but perhaps they were appealing enough to attract a B-levelfree agent — someone like Gordon Hayward, their initial target, or LanceStephenson. If that worked, the Hornets might transform into the sort of rising48-win team that could persuade the next B-level free agent. From there,you’re at 50-plus wins, a break or two from playing in the conference finals.

                        IP属地:上海27楼2015-08-06 14:31
                          Zeller and Kidd-Gilchrist are solid players,but for now, they don’t project to produce at levels at or above expectationsfor no. 2 and no. 4 picks; Charlotte has been willing to discuss Zeller intrade talks with several teams, sources say. Vonleh wasn’t ready last season,and the trouble he and Biyombo had adjusting to the NBA has Jordan swingingback toward proven college players. “That was our focus on Frank [Kaminsky],”Polk says. “He’s 22. He’s mature. With a lot of the one-and-done guys, youdon’t know what you’re getting.”

                          IP属地:上海31楼2015-08-06 14:32
                            “If you canvass the league,” Cho adds, “prettymuch every owner has final say.” He’s right, but there are still degrees ofinvolvement. Few owners are as active as Jordan in the basketball aspects ofplayer-related debates.

                            IP属地:上海33楼2015-08-06 14:32
                              Skepticism remains among rival teams aboutJordan’s stewardship. There are questions about how much college basketball hewatches until a cramming session in the week before the draft. His familyincreasingly dominates the organization; his brother, Larry, is the team’sdirector of player personnel, and Jordan last year hired his daughter, Jasmine,to serve as coordinator of basketball operations. She has been in the team’scrowded war room on draft night, along with Estee Portnoy, a marketingexecutive who more than a decade ago emerged as one of Jordan’s closestallies — and now serves as a full-time Hornets employee.
                              在竞争对手中仍然有对乔丹管理方式的怀疑。他们问在选秀签填鸭式的一周了解球员外,他到底看了多少场比赛。他得家人在增加对球队的控制,他的哥哥拉里是球队的球员事务总监,而去年他雇佣自己的女儿,佳丝敏,作为篮球运营的协调人。那天晚上他也在选秀的作战室,和(作为乔丹亲密联盟已经超过十年的)市场执行Estee Portnoy一起,而现在成为了全职的黄蜂员工。

                              IP属地:上海34楼2015-08-06 14:33