简称:TraditionalKungfu ——TGF
(传统武术技击)(Traditional ChineseMartial Arts)
简称:技击(对内);Traditional Gongfu—TGF(对外)
Abbr: Traditional Chinese Martial Arts;Traditional Gongfu—TGF
TGF is a martial art manifestation that shows the Chinese traditional culture.Static stance is the foundation of the force in TGF. Forming a confrontationalenvironment through using the timer shaft as the main shaft for martial art andspatial arbor as the auxiliary shaft for martial art. The guiding ideology ofthis technique is to control and anti-control others. Forming own martial artsystem through centering on three powers (powered, to power, power source)which support warp and weft techniques. Seeking the most effective technique ofthe system through specific skills and techniques such as hitting, throwingdown, and taking specific points of other’s body. The technique helps achievingthe Martial Art value of the system idea as well as using Wushu routine andmartial confrontation as the basic form.
简称:TraditionalKungfu ——TGF
(传统武术技击)(Traditional ChineseMartial Arts)
简称:技击(对内);Traditional Gongfu—TGF(对外)
Abbr: Traditional Chinese Martial Arts;Traditional Gongfu—TGF
TGF is a martial art manifestation that shows the Chinese traditional culture.Static stance is the foundation of the force in TGF. Forming a confrontationalenvironment through using the timer shaft as the main shaft for martial art andspatial arbor as the auxiliary shaft for martial art. The guiding ideology ofthis technique is to control and anti-control others. Forming own martial artsystem through centering on three powers (powered, to power, power source)which support warp and weft techniques. Seeking the most effective technique ofthe system through specific skills and techniques such as hitting, throwingdown, and taking specific points of other’s body. The technique helps achievingthe Martial Art value of the system idea as well as using Wushu routine andmartial confrontation as the basic form.