补充美国万通卡対莎的称赞,不单是伟大球手,也是个伟大人物,持卡人,商业女性及慈善家"Not only is she a great player, but she's a great person, a card member, a businesswoman and a philanthropist," 事实如此[CLAPPING HANDS SIGN][CLAPPING HANDS SIGN]
関於访问莎说休假很好,但仍努力克服腿伤。惯常说「feeling better」即未好。@WTA_insider: Maria Sharapova says she had a good break. Still working through leg injury but it's feeling better. "Even when I've been healthy, little things here and there have limited me," 其实她这样说健康以外还有很多限制,都知暗示感情的事了
8月18日 莎这天宣布退赛。下午5点才训练己觉奇怪,有粉说昨天状态好差,发球好慢,而且分析有理There is a poster on GM who yesterday went to see her practice and said that she played like shit, missing returns and having a very slow serve. So if I have to buy the injury card, I would still lean towards some kind of shoulder problems, since they will never go away.It's not like in that case she will reveal it, she will just disguise it under another injury. Been there, done that.大家推测走动不多是腿伤,发球慢可能是肩膀.不过从这几天情况看,直到昨天访问她似乎好想努力克服问题去出赛,可是最后都赶不及,到今天训练后觉得还是有问题所以晚上退赛,相中看出很不开心....
"I think just a few rest days," she commented. "Quite honestly, I didn't give myself a lot of rest days. I just took it easier than I did, because I thought with a little bit of time and downtime and not a lot of movement it would get better. I was still training through it pretty much, and not doing a lot of intervals and getting in shape, so I think I just have to cut that down a little bit in the next few days她说原本以为随著时间,走动少些会感觉好些,而且继续训练,但效果不理想,所以现在要休息几天。另再看详细访问内容,原来莎莎在想出发去多伦多前几天受伤,因之前训练多没好好休息,之后去到辛辛伤未好又继续训练,结果医生话她这种伤不能不休息。记者问早前不是也脚伤吗?她还打趣说対,现在balance 了。记者说轮住伤?她还笑....
另一段视频是跟团队一起煮饭,莎在切洋葱时还哭了,并且一展歌喉清唱了几句don't cry for me Argentina....看了歌词感觉有点伤感Don't cry for me Argentina The truth is I never left you All through my wild days My mad existence I kept my promise Don't keep your distance。不过莎的歌声真的很不错