zzxczhouhang吧 关注:8贴子:1,454
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1楼2015-08-21 10:46回复
    不錯,我就是葉良辰。你們貼吧的行為實在欺人太甚,你們若是感覺有實力跟我玩,良辰不介意奉陪到底。呵呵,我會讓你們明白,良辰從不說空話。別讓我碰到你們,如果在我的地盤,我有一百種方法讓你們待不下去,可你們,卻無可奈何。呵呵,良辰最喜歡對那些自認為能力出眾的人出手,你們隻需要記住,我叫葉良辰。無妨,你們可以把所有認識的人全部叫出來,良辰不介意陪你們玩玩,若我贏了,你們給我乖乖滾出貼吧,別欺人太甚。當然,若是你們就此罷手,那良辰在此多謝了,他日,必有重謝。[滑稽] Yes, I'm Ye Liangchen.
    You Post Bar behavior is if you feel the strength of That's going too far., play with me, but not to mind. Oh, I will let you know, but never talk.
    Don't let me touch you, if in my place, I have one hundred ways to let you stay, but you, but no. Oh, my love for those who think the most outstanding ability moves, you only need to remember, my name is Ye Liangchen.
    Anyway, you can know all people all called out, but not mind to accompany you to play, if I win, you give me obediently rolled bar, don't insult.
    Of course, if you stop, the most in the future, thank you very much, have thanks again.

    9楼2015-10-03 14:07