———That which you assumed lost may in fact be on its way back to you; that which you assumed yours may in fact be escaping you. That is just what life is like.—— 生活总是这样,你以为失去的,可能在来的路上;你以为拥有的,可能在去的途中。
快快啊———That which you assumed lost may in fact be on its way back to you; that which you assumed yours may in fact be escaping you. That is just what life is like.—— 生活总是这样,你以为失去的,可能在来的路上;你以为拥有的,可能在去的途中。
坐等———That which you assumed lost may in fact be on its way back to you; that which you assumed yours may in fact be escaping you. That is just what life is like.—— 生活总是这样,你以为失去的,可能在来的路上;你以为拥有的,可能在去的途中。