南通爱车吧 关注:26贴子:126
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IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端1楼2015-08-22 16:50回复

    IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端2楼2015-08-22 16:52

      3楼2015-08-22 16:53
        Now she's walking through the cloud,with a circus mind,that's running wild,butterflies and zebras and moonbeans and fairytales,all she ever thinks about is,riding with the wind.When I'm sad,when I'm sad she comes to me,with a thousand smiles,she gives to me,free."It's all right",because she says it's all right,and I say take angthing you want from me,yeah take anything baby,I say angthing that you…

        来自Android客户端4楼2015-08-22 16:55
          这几天报道了好多孩子被锁车里的事情,这不我也遇上了,刚才回家,看到树林一小车里有一对男女好像被锁车里了,看样子很热,衣服都脱光了,他们死命挣扎,车子一晃一晃的,女的表情特难受,好像缺氧要死了,男的正嘴对着嘴做人工呼吸。人命关天,不容迟疑,我赶紧找个砖头把车玻璃砸碎,男女果然被憋的不行了,马上跳出来获救了,嘴里还一直喊着是谁!是谁!可是我已走远。传播正能量让世界充满爱~ 不要问我谁我是雷锋的弟弟雷管

          5楼2015-08-23 18:04
            Now she's walking through the cloud,with a circus mind,that's running wild,butterflies and zebras and moonbeans and fairytales,all she ever thinks about is,riding with the wind.When I'm sad,when I'm sad she comes to me,with a thousand smiles,she gives to me,free."It's all right",because she says it's all right,and I say take angthing you want from me,yeah take anything baby,I say angthing that you…

            IP属地:江苏来自iPhone客户端6楼2015-08-24 06:03
              这几天报道了好多孩子被锁车里的事情,这不我也遇上了,刚才回家,看到树林一小车里有一对男女好像被锁车里了,看样子很热,衣服都脱光了,他们死命挣扎,车子一晃一晃的,女的表情特难受,好像缺氧要死了,男的正嘴对着嘴做人工呼吸。人命关天,不容迟疑,我赶紧找个砖头把车玻璃砸碎,男女果然被憋的不行了,马上跳出来获救了,嘴里还一直喊着是谁!是谁!可是我已走远。传播正能量让世界充满爱~ 不要问我谁我是雷锋的弟弟雷管

              来自Android客户端7楼2015-08-24 06:16