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  These stomach-churning images offer a unique perspective of the world's cities - snapped high above the ground by a fearless roof-topper。这些图片看了让人心头一紧、胃直翻腾。照片是一个勇敢无畏的楼顶摄影家在高空所拍摄的,其看待世界各个城市的视角别具一格。

来自iPhone客户端1楼2015-09-10 18:51回复
      While rooftopping images have become increasingly popular over recent years, pseudonymous Oleg Cricket adds distinctive - and extremely dangerous - elements to his sky-high shots。近年来屋顶俯拍越来越火热,奥列格·科里奎特(化名)的照片又为高空摄影平添了与众不同且独具危险的新元素。

    来自iPhone客户端2楼2015-09-10 18:51
        In some of scenes, Internet-star Oleg can been seen dangling from roofs, cranes and spires hundreds of feet above the ground. And in others, the daredevil-come-photographer is even snapped swinging his friend, Ilya Bagaev, high above the ground with nothing to break their fall。在一些照片中,奥列格这位网络红人高悬于距地面好几百英尺的屋顶、吊车和塔尖上。还有些照片捕捉到这位不怕死的摄影师把他的伙伴伊利亚·巴格福高高荡起于地面之上,且没有任何防止坠落的防护措施。

      来自iPhone客户端3楼2015-09-10 18:51
          He said: "I can only compare it to a computer game - except here if there is an error or loss, you cannot start the game again."他说道,“我把它看作是在玩电脑游戏,不过有一点不同,如果有错误和失算的话,你是无法重新开始游戏的。”

        来自iPhone客户端4楼2015-09-10 18:52