here are the lyrics to 'low'
i don't think i've ever written a song so honestly about my lack of self-confidence. it's so funny how you think with each milestone, you'll feel better and feel like you've 'made it', when in reality, that little self doubting voice never goes away. obviously, i'm so grateful and proud of all that i've achieved so far, but there are still days now where i literally just want to quit songwriting altogether because i think i'm not good enough. i think writing this song helped me realise that it's ok to feel like that sometimes. all of us are learning how to deal with the bad days/weeks/months but it never lasts forever, does it? the fact that i wrote this song just means that i actually give a fuck about what i'm doing and being the best i can possibly be, and to be honest? i hope i never stop feeling like that [WHITE SMILING FACE]️