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IP属地:四川1楼2015-10-08 01:10回复
    The history of Chinese armor began during the pre-WW2 Republic of China era, when the first armored vehicles started appearing in the region. They were mostly very light and obsolete armored cars, but some tanks found their way to China as well. This was the Chinese Warlord era – land was divided between powerful leaders with their own militaries, including armored forces.

    IP属地:四川3楼2015-10-08 01:11
      The communist Chinese forces were supported heavily by Soviet equipment, including T-34 medium tanks, which took part in the Korean War as thousands upon thousands of Chinese “volunteers” poured into Korea to fight the UN forces. It was the T-34 that became the first Chinese mass-produced medium tank under the designation of Type 58. While an effective fighting machine for its time, the T-34/85 was quickly becoming obsolete in the face of modern western armor development and a decision was taken to replace this aging design with something else.

      IP属地:四川6楼2015-10-08 01:13

        IP属地:四川7楼2015-10-08 01:13
          The replacement turned out to be the Type 59 medium tank. The Type 59 was basically a copy of the early T-54A with some of the more sophisticated components missing and the production process simplified for Chinese conditions – the plans and license for the vehicle’s production were handed over to China by the Soviets following the 1950 Sino-Soviet friendship treaty. It was accepted in service in 1959 (hence the Type 59 designation). Its main features included thick sloped armor, a durable cast turret and a 100mm gun (a copy of the ubiquitous Soviet D-10T).

          IP属地:四川8楼2015-10-08 01:14
            The Type 59 and its modifications remained in Chinese service for around thirty years with production running until 1985. In Armored Warfare, the Type 59 will be a tier 3 MBT, following the tier 2 Type 62 light tank. The Type 62 was basically a smaller, lighter version of the Type 59, designed to fight in China’s mountainous areas where heavier vehicles could not operate. Unlike Type 59, Type 62 was armed with an 85mm rifled gun and was much less durable than its bigger counterpart. Nevertheless, it was effective as very few other tanks could pass through the same terrain. The Type 59 itself was eventually upgraded with a 105mm rifled gun (either heavily inspired by the Royal Ordnance L7 or a direct copy of this gun). It’s worth noting that around 10 thousand Type 59 tanks were made – this design was also heavily exported and fought (for example) in the Iran-Iraq war or in the Gulf.

            IP属地:四川9楼2015-10-08 01:14
              While the 105mm gun was a significant improvement over the old 100mm model, the Chinese were not done copying yet. In 1969, during the Sino-Soviet border conflict, Chinese forces managed to capture an intact modern T-62 medium tank. This vehicle was reverse-engineered and the technological advances gleaned from it were used to upgrade the Type 59, resulting in the Type 69 – this Type 59 variant featured a stronger engine and some of the T-62-based improvements. The Chinese never really liked this tank all that much, but it became a very successful export vehicle with around two thousand sold all across the world. In the 1980s (after a warming of Sino-American relations), this vehicle was further upgraded with several western components including the aforementioned 105mm gun and a new fire control system, resulting in a variant called Type 79.

              IP属地:四川10楼2015-10-08 01:15
                Another alternative second generation Chinese tank design by Plant 617 (and others) was the Type 88 – like the two abovementioned vehicles, it too combined the older Type 80 body with modern (mostly western-based) components (such as a 105mm gun – which was later upgraded to a 125mm). The upgraded variant of the Type 88 is probably still in service in China in smaller numbers.
                Meanwhile, work had began on the first Chinese third generation MBT. The Type 85 was chosen as a platform and again it was heavily upgraded to produce the Type 90 – the first Chinese tank to feature modular armor. The Chinese military was not interested in this vehicle – instead it was offered for export to Pakistan where it eventually became the Al Khalid MBT.

                IP属地:四川13楼2015-10-08 01:16
                  Another upgraded Type 85-III was introduced in 1996. It also featured modular armor design and the lessons learned from the Type 90 development were put to good use – it had a modern 1000hp diesel engine and – most importantly – a new, western-style welded turret. It entered service in 1997 under the designation Type 96 and became the standard modern MBT of the Chinese military – well over 2000 were produced.
                  Chinese tank development continued with the Type 98 MBT. Introduced in 1999 during a military parade in Beijing, this tank is quite different from its predecessors. It resembles the T-72, but the turret is welded. The main armament is a fully stabilized 125mm smoothbore gun. Around a dozen vehicles of this type were built before a new variant was introduced in 2000 – this new variant featured an ERA set, a more powerful engine, a thermal imager and an advanced fire control system. This new variant became the Type 99 MBT and with over 600 built, it currently represents the best tank in Chinese service – it is believed that this advanced (and very expensive) MBT is to serve in elite Chinese units, while the regular units will remain equipped with the older Type 96. It is quite agile (1500hp diesel for around 54 tons) and well-armed – the upgraded version (Type 99A) features a new type of ERA set that resembles the Russian “Relikt”. In Armored Warfare, the Type 98 will be a tier 8 vehicle while the Type 99A2 will appear on tier 9.
                  中国继续发展了新型59超超超改,即98式主战坦克。98式于1999年阅兵时展出,这种坦克与前辈完全不同,类似于T72的布局,但是采用焊接炮塔。主要武器是一门全稳定的125毫米炮。在2000年,一个新的59超超超再改即98式的升级版出现了,他拥有更强大的引擎,热成像仪,以及先进的火控系统。这个车型被称为99式,据说已生产超过600辆,他代表了目前中国最好的主战坦克--据说,这种最先进(也是最贵的)的主战坦克主要列装中国的精锐部队,而其他单位还在使用相对旧一点的96式。这辆车极为灵活(1500HP柴油发动机和大约54吨的自重),装备精良,升级后(即99A)采用了类似俄罗斯Relikt的ERA系统。在Armored Warfare中,98式将是一辆T8级别的车,而99A2式将出现在T9级别。

                  IP属地:四川14楼2015-10-08 01:16
                    Currently, the known pinnacle of Chinese armor development seems to be the MBT-3000 (also known as VT-4) export tank. This 52 ton vehicle is – according to Chinese sources – superior to any other export MBT on the market, although this claim is difficult to prove as most of the data about this tank are classified. Earlier in 2015, Chinese officials caused an outrage claiming the MBT-3000 to be equal or superior to the T-14 Armata – whether such claims are truthful or simply an attempt to bring more attention to this vehicle remains to be seen.
                    目前,外界所知的中国最强的装甲载具似乎是MBT-3000(也就是VT-4)的出口型。这两52吨重的坦克-根据中国的消息-比市场上任何其它出口型MBT都要先进,不过因为该坦克的各项数据都是机密,所以无法证实其真实性。2015年早些时候,中国官员曾声称MBT-3000等于或优于T-14 Armata,无论这种声明是真的亦或是单纯的炒作只能继续观望。

                    IP属地:四川15楼2015-10-08 01:17


                      IP属地:四川16楼2015-10-08 01:18

                        18楼2015-10-08 02:39

                          IP属地:美国来自Android客户端19楼2015-10-08 03:45

                            IP属地:新疆来自Android客户端20楼2015-10-08 14:35