新闻来源:SEAFOOD 华盛顿邮报 时间:2015年10月9日、
人类翻来覆去的为自己在体育运动中的表现取了各式各样的头衔,如 “世界上最伟大的运动员”、“世界纪录保持者”、“最快的生物”,就好像这些头衔就属于人类。
cientists Say Fish Are the World’s Best Athletes
SEAFOODNEWS.COM [ThE WASHINGTON POST] By Darryl Fears - October 9, 2015
Humans toss around sports titles like they own them. “World’s Greatest Athlete.” “World Record Holder.” “Fastest Alive.”
Name any winner at any Olympics at any event in track and field and this much is almost certain, a new research paper argues: A wide variety of athletic fish would blow right by them. Trout, salmon, tuna and other fleet fish are capable of producing far more oxygen in their bodies for mind-blowing performance.
新闻来源:SEAFOOD 华盛顿邮报 时间:2015年10月9日、
人类翻来覆去的为自己在体育运动中的表现取了各式各样的头衔,如 “世界上最伟大的运动员”、“世界纪录保持者”、“最快的生物”,就好像这些头衔就属于人类。
cientists Say Fish Are the World’s Best Athletes
SEAFOODNEWS.COM [ThE WASHINGTON POST] By Darryl Fears - October 9, 2015
Humans toss around sports titles like they own them. “World’s Greatest Athlete.” “World Record Holder.” “Fastest Alive.”
Name any winner at any Olympics at any event in track and field and this much is almost certain, a new research paper argues: A wide variety of athletic fish would blow right by them. Trout, salmon, tuna and other fleet fish are capable of producing far more oxygen in their bodies for mind-blowing performance.