Mysteryof Japan's ancient star chart solved: Constellations painted on tomb ceilingmap how stars would have looked in CHINA in 65 BC
An ancient star chart meticulously carved into the ceiling of an ancient Japanese tomb may in fact show how the night sky once appeared over China.
By plotting the location and relative sizes of stars in the chart, researchers believe it shows how the constellations looked above the Chinese city of Luoyong in around 65 BC.
It is not fully understood why a map depicting the night sky dating back to the 1st century BC would have been used as the tomb itself dates back to the 7th century AD.
An ancient star chart meticulously carved into the ceiling of an ancient Japanese tomb may in fact show how the night sky once appeared over China.
By plotting the location and relative sizes of stars in the chart, researchers believe it shows how the constellations looked above the Chinese city of Luoyong in around 65 BC.
It is not fully understood why a map depicting the night sky dating back to the 1st century BC would have been used as the tomb itself dates back to the 7th century AD.