From the spectacular Lofoten Islands to serene Sotra, these are the amazing first-person photographs taken by a kayaker in the Norwegian Fjords.从壮观的罗弗敦群岛到宁静的索特拉岛,一位皮划艇爱好者从自己的视角,在挪威的各个峡湾拍下了令人惊叹的照片。
Tomasz Furmanek, who lives in Bergen, Norway, uses a GoPro and a small Sonycompact camera on the front of his kayak to take these stunning pictures.住在挪威卑尔根市的托马斯·法米内科,他把GoPro相机和索尼袖珍相机安在皮划艇前部拍下了这些绝美的照片。
The 41-year-old, who began uploading the shots to his Instagram account three years ago, has since gained 58,900 followers on the account.这位41岁的皮划艇爱好者三年前开始把这些照片上传到他的Instagram账号上,自此已有58900位粉丝在关注这个账号了。