After The Seven (1 of 5) "Replacement" Mission briefing A convoy of civilian ships traveling through a region known to be rife with pirate activity has become vulnerable due to its contingent of escort combat vessels not showing up for some reason. Their distress signal has been picked up in the UW9B-F system. 任务简报 车队的民用船只穿越这一地区已知充斥着海盗活动变得脆弱由于其护送队伍战斗舰艇没有出现由于某种原因。他们的求救信号已经拿起UW9B-F系统。
· Gone Berserk Objectives The following objectives must be completed to finish the mission: Objective Take care of the terrorist fanatics and then report back to your agent. Location-0.1 UW9B-F (Low Sec Warning!) Rewards The following rewards will be yours if you complete this mission: 1,460,000 ISK 7783 Loyalty Points. Bonus Rewards The following rewards will be awarded to you as a bonus if you complete the mission within 3 hours and 29 minutes 1,270,000 ISK 四级