daikabbs吧 关注:29贴子:1,788

IP属地:上海1楼2015-11-27 01:28回复
    Question: What exactly happened to T-90MS in 0.11.1616?
    Answer: The T-90MS lower front plate was originally integrated with a much smaller gradient then intended internally, making it far too easy to penetrate even multiple tiers lower. During the process of adjustment and testing new numbers, the wrong data was applied to Live which had outdated, far too high armor thickness that only certain Tier 9's might be able to get through. A quick hotfix set these to the appropriate values that they are now. It is set into three even strips: The top strip is 380mm of composite armor, and is impenetrable. The middle strip is 190mm of composite, and can be penetrated by some Tier 8/9 vehicles. The lowest portion is only 188mm of high yield steel, which even some Tier 6 vehicles can go through. This is the same makeup as the T-90 from Tier 8, only slightly enhanced, and should not be considered a 'new' weakness or debuff as it's merely carrying over what was already present in the series.

    IP属地:上海8楼2015-11-27 01:34
      Question: Will in the future the events like Halloween be different on NA/EU servers or will they be similar to each other?
      Answer: It’s possible that the events will in the future be different for both servers, but for the rest of 2015 they will remain identical.

      IP属地:上海9楼2015-11-27 01:35
        Question: Will there be a token system for tier 10 vehicles too?
        Answer: That is currently not yet decided. It is possible, but not certain. Another option will be to tie the appropriate tier 10 vehicles to the existing tier 9 ones. Which version would you prefer?

        IP属地:上海10楼2015-11-27 01:35
          Question: Will there be a token system for retrofits?
          Answer: We are planning to make the retrofits easier to obtain. The players will have more choices regarding which vehicles they want to play to obtain the retrofits they want.

          IP属地:上海11楼2015-11-27 01:35
            Question: Are there any improvements to the base system planned?
            Answer: Absolutely. In the future, we will add more building levels with improved bonuses to correspond to the maximum vehicle tier increase from 8 to 10. Certain buildings will also produce useful consumables that, for example, increase the reputation or credit gain from one battle by a large margin.

            IP属地:上海12楼2015-11-27 01:36
              Question: Any plans to rework the weak spots of Tier 8 MBTs?
              Answer: We are constantly improving the armor layout of the vehicles and checking it not to contain any bugs or issues. In Update 0.11, we made some improvements to the armor of high tier Main Battle Tanks, while the second batch of other classes and lower tier MBTs will come in Update 0.12. As for the shape and size of the weak spots, that is mostly a balance consideration. We do not want the game to degrade into “pixel hunting” where players are trying to aim at tiny holes in armor, but we also do not want the heavily armored vehicles in the game to have massive vulnerability zones in the front that would completely negate the rest of the vehicle’s frontal armor.

              IP属地:上海13楼2015-11-27 01:37
                Question: Are you planning to separate ammo loadouts or retrofits for PvE and PvP?
                Answer: This is not planned currently, but it comes up from time to time as one of the possible solutions. In ideal case however the practical ammunition loadouts should be roughly identical to both modes.

                IP属地:上海14楼2015-11-27 01:37
                  Question: What about the reload time correction? Reload times shown in battles are often inaccurate!
                  Answer: This is a known issue that has unfortunately been very difficult to fix, since it is not always tied to the specific vehicle values but also to the connection between the client and server. We are working on a fix that we hope will be introduced soon.

                  IP属地:上海15楼2015-11-27 01:37
                    Question: When will the visual camouflage system come? Can you share any details?
                    Answer: This is currently quite high on the upcoming feature list and it will come relatively soon. The camouflages will be separated into woodland, desert and snow variants and will influence the vehicle camouflage factor.

                    IP属地:上海16楼2015-11-27 01:38
                      Question: How does the camouflage factor work in the game exactly? What does the number “0.10” mean for example?
                      Answer: Camouflage factor represents the reduction of opponent’s view range. To give you an example: if the camouflage factor is 0.10 and opponent’s view range is 100 meters, it will be reduced by 10 percent to 90 meters. Camouflage factor is influenced by vehicle size, cover (bushes, trees), class specific camouflage adjustment, movement and shooting.

                      IP属地:上海17楼2015-11-27 01:38
                        Question: What about the visual camouflage net that can be seen on certain bots in PvE?
                        Answer: Visual camouflage nets are a part of the customization system and will come in near future.

                        IP属地:上海18楼2015-11-27 01:38
                          Question: Is it possible to include the Centauro 155 in a separate wheeled SPG line? Such a class could have high speed, be great at repositioning but lower rate of fire and limited gun traverse.
                          Answer: It’s possible. There are some wheeled artillery vehicles that we are considering, for example the Czechoslovak DANA or the French CAESAR system. These vehicles will however be introduced only when we are satisfied with the overall artillery performance.

                          IP属地:上海39楼2015-11-27 01:49
                            Question: Will there be more customization options for UI?
                            Answer: Yes, we are preparing improved interface customization, for example alternative aiming reticles.

                            IP属地:上海40楼2015-11-27 01:49
                              Question: What vehicles have you been thinking to introduce to the third dealer? What will it focus on?
                              Answer: The third dealer will focus on Chinese, French, Polish, Czechoslovak and Scandinavian vehicles and will bring both tracked and wheeled vehicles of all classes with the exception of artillery. Third dealer artillery will be introduced later.

                              IP属地:上海41楼2015-11-27 01:49