banana10yuan吧 关注:38贴子:877
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This topic about whether students shouldbe encouraged to evaluate and criticize their teacher has sparked off anintense debate .In this essay ,I aim at discussing both views and give my ownopinion.
To begin with ,it is obvious to know thatteacher can direct realize the real needs of students ,and teacher can adjusttheir way in teaching according to the evaluations of students ,that helpsteacher to improve their teaching efficiency as well as their quality of teaching.In addition ,to students ,making evaluations to their teacher can help themcultivating their ability of independent thinking. Student should make anobjective and appropriate cultivation when they are cultivating their teacher,which force them to consider from different angle ,that will improve theirindependent thinking ability at some degree.
However ,everything has two differentsizes ,the disadvantages of evaluating teacher we should not ignored as well.Student may make bad evaluations to their teacher ,these bad evaluations mayinfluence the confident of their teacher ,even their salary .As a result ,itwill lowing teacher’s teaching quality and makes the tense relationship betweenteacher and student.
So ,should we prevent students from makingevaluation to teacher ?In personality ,I do not agree .It is hard for teacherto realize their shortcomings of their way of teaching ,that may leads to lowquality of teaching and students’ complain.
In conclusion ,I conclude that it isnecessary to encourage student evaluate and criticize their teacher .However,it is also necessary establish a appropriate way for both students andteachers to communicate ,once we finish ,we can not just improve the quality of teaching but also therelationship between teacher and student.

IP属地:澳大利亚1楼2015-12-05 23:59回复
    For improveing the high school education quality,some people consider that we should encouerage syudent to make evaluation and criticism to their teachers,while other people consider that it may cause a result of losing respect and dignity of teachers

    IP属地:澳大利亚2楼2015-12-06 16:56
      The table compares the information ofconsumer’s spending on different items in different countries in 2002.
      According to the table ,Turkey ,which was32.14 percentage was the largest percentage of the feature food, drinks, andtobacco ,then next was Ireland with 28.91 percentage ,followed by Spain, makingup 18.8 percentage ;and finally come Italy and Sweden at 16.36 percentage and15.77 percentage respectively.
      Another feature that consumer by Spendingin from five countries was clothing and footwear, which Italy making up 9percentage, the largest percentage of five countries. The percentage of Turkey,Spain and Ireland are very similar, which are 6.63 ,6.51, 6.43 respectively.
      The feature that five countries spendinglowest was Leisure and educate .Turkey also had the highest percentage in eachcountry with 4.35 percentage. Followed by Sweden and Italy, making up similarpercentage of 3.22 percentage and 3.2 percentage respectively .The next wasIreland with 2.21 percentage and the lowest one was Spain. Account for 1.98percentage

      IP属地:澳大利亚3楼2015-12-20 09:59
        《二泉映月》是华彦钧(小名阿炳)最杰出的二胡代表作。这首乐曲原为道教的唢呐曲,具有浓郁的宗教音乐风格。20世纪30年代末,华彦钧在街头流浪 卖艺中,经过反复演奏、加工、创作,引入了苏南一带的山歌、小调、江南丝竹、苏南吹打、滩簧腔甚至广东音乐《三潭印月》的音调。
        作品的旋律委婉流畅、跌宕起伏、意境深邃。作者运用二胡上5 个把位的宽广音域演奏,配合苍劲的运弓处理,流露出如泣如诉、如悲似怒的情调及对光明和理想境界的憧憬,表现了一个经历旧中国生活坎坷和磨难的流浪艺人的感受和倔强不屈的性格,具有强烈的艺术感染力

        IP属地:澳大利亚4楼2016-01-11 10:56

          IP属地:澳大利亚6楼2016-01-11 11:07

            IP属地:澳大利亚7楼2016-01-11 11:15

              1. 通过对作品的分析和阐释,评判其审美价值
              2. 通过批评的信息反馈给艺术家,对创作产生影响
              3. 通过艺术批评的开展,对艺术接受者的鉴赏活动予以影响和指导
              4. 通过艺术批评,协调艺术与意识形态其他领域的关系,促进社会文化的发展

              IP属地:澳大利亚8楼2016-01-11 11:22

                IP属地:澳大利亚9楼2016-01-12 09:24

                  IP属地:澳大利亚来自iPhone客户端11楼2018-05-03 07:10