作者:conch-sart Also uploaded to my deviant account. Ori! Ori and the blind forest is a platform game with amazingly beautiful environments, challenging levels, and great story. I haven’t gotten past the last bit yet, but I will, fingers crossed. :p (小轰个人翻译:同样上传到我的deviant账户里了。Ori!OaB是一个充满了惊艳美丽的环境,具备挑战性的关卡和很好的故事情节的平台游戏。我最后一点点还没过呢,但是我会过的,祝我好运[吐舌头])
作者:bukoya-star xxtalon274xx asked:(xxtalon274xx问道:) Have you played Ori and the Blind Forest?(你玩过OaB么?) bukoya-star answered:(bukoya-star回答道:) Yes! And it was tremendously fun for me! The music, the story, the characters, the gameplay! ahhhhh~ so beautiful!(玩过!对我来说是个巨大的乐趣!无论是音乐、人物、玩法!啊啊啊~~超美的!) (小轰个人翻译)
作者:starlight-town (俄语,小轰搞不定)Лолъ только вчера вспомнил что можно запилить своего персонажа как угодно, наверн это первый оригинальный персонаж в фэндоме Ori .-. тамушт других еще не видал…
作者:kilinah I played Ori and the Blind Forest today. I like it quite a lot! So I drew Ori since she’s adoraburbles. (小轰译:我今天玩了OaB。我太喜欢它了!所以我画了Ori因为她很萌。)