好了我就自问自答吧,来自官方论坛的最新消息 With the news that Oculus are starting pre order of their consumer version tomorrow, I wanted to just make a quick post to confirm that we are still actively working with Oculus but currently the only SDK we are able to officially support is 0.6. We wanted to make sure you had as much up to date information as possible and will let you know as soon as we have any more information. Fly safe, Commanders! 大意就是,我们还在搞适配,目前只支持到0.6版本的。(论坛中其他帖子的信息表明从去年10月7号以后,就没有更多的进展了)以及有进展了就会告诉我们的。
Greetings Commanders, Many of you have been asking about the minimum system requirements for VR in Elite Dangerous, including Horizons, so here they are: • OS: Windows 7/8/10 64 bit • Processor: Intel Core i7-3770K Quad Core CPU or better / AMD FX 4350 Quad Core CPU or better • Memory: 16 GB RAM • Graphics: Nvidia GTX 980 with 4GB or better • Network: Broadband Internet Connection • Hard Drive: 8 GB available space We are passionate about VR and Elite Dangerous is leading the way in cutting edge VR software development. This is what we consider to be a minimum spec to have a good experience on forthcoming consumer VR headsets. As most of you are aware we currently support HTC Vive and the Oculus rift 0.5 SDK. We continue to work with Oculus on support for their more recent SDKs, and will let you know if and when there is more to announce.