查尔斯钢琴吧 关注:14贴子:117
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The pleasing tone, the playability, the excellent tuning stability and ease of tuning, are outstanding features of our vertical pianos. All Walter pianos have a 12 YEAR FULL WARRANTY against defects in parts, material and workmanship.
Our professional studio pianos are ruggedly designed to meet the most rigid school specifications and long hours of student practice. The extra-thick butcher block keybed, solid hardwood (Walnut, Oak, Mahogany, Cherry, and Ebony) legs and toeblocks, and ball bearing, double-wheeled casters make this piano ideal for situations where the piano must be moved frequently. At the same time, the clean lines of this design and recessed toe-block present a more stylish appearance.
Our decorator console piano has the same rugged construction as the professional studio but is enhanced by elegant cabinetry, attractive styling, and a variety of cabinet motifs to match any decor. The Walter console is the largest vertical piano available in a home decorator style giving both full sound and beautiful cabinetry. Solid lumber material combined with hardwoods and a lacquer finish make this piano the choice of those looking for the finest in both sound and cabinetry.
The Walter Grand Piano contains the finest grand action, custom made by Renner for the W190 piano. All external trim, including the heavy casters, are of solid brass. All case parts are of lumber-core and solid hardwood construction. All parts of the piano are carefully sanded, given multiple coats of specially formulated lacquer, hand-rubbed and polished. All Walter pianos have a 12 YEAR FULL WARRANTY against defects in parts, material and workmanship.

IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端1楼2016-01-25 15:41回复